Metro Exodus Weapons Trailer Highlights Customization Possibilities

Published: January 22, 2019 1:20 PM /


metro exodus weapons trailer

The Metro Exodus Weapons Trailer has been released. This new trailer specifically focuses on many of the game's various firearms and shows just how players are able to customize them to suit the changing situations of the Russian wasteland.

Metro Exodus is the upcoming third game in the franchise that adapts Dmitry Glukhovsky's Metro 2033 series of books. While the previous entries in the franchise allowed for a degree of weapon customization, this was often restricted to work done by merchants in towns. That's changing in the newest game, affording players a level of freedom they've never had before. Take a look at the Metro Exodus Weapons Trailer for yourself to see some of the customization options in action:

One of the key highlights in the trailer is the handguns and how they can be changed. Metro mainstays the Revolver and the Bastard are both classed as handguns in the game, but that's not to say they have to stay that way. You can add on longer barrels or heavier magazines to effectively change them into a rifle or SMG. Best of all, this is something that you can do on the fly. I certainly took advantage of these abilities when I went hands-on with a preview build of the game.

After the bit about handguns, we get to see how the A-Shot and Shambler can be changed up. The A-Shot can have a second barrel slapped on which certainly improves your chances in close quarters. The Shambler has what may be a much more interesting possibility with an extended magazine modification that will give you a few more than the standard six shots. The trailer then goes on to detail possible changes for the game's assault rifles, sniper rifles, and special weapons. Really, it's best to watch the Metro Exodus Weapons Trailer for yourself to see these changes in action.

If Metro Exodus has piqued your interest, you can pre-order Metro Exodus on PC via Steam for $59.99 or your regional equivalent and Console gamers can put in a pre-order at the Microsoft Store for the Xbox One and at the PlayStation Store for the PlayStation 4. You won't have to wait too much longer to get it—it's set to release on February 15, 2019.

What do you think of the Metro Exodus Weapons Trailer? How will you customize your guns in the game? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Metro Exodus
Game Page Metro Exodus
4A Games
Deep Silver
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC
Release Date
February 15, 2019 (Calendar)
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