Mass Effect Legendary Edition Release Date Revealed by Retailers

Retailer leaks suggest that Mass Effect Legendary Edition might be arriving a little earlier than expected.

Published: January 11, 2021 1:59 PM /


Mass Effect Legendary Edition release date cover

The Mass Effect Legendary Edition release date has apparently been leaked by a pair of foreign retailers, suggesting that the game might arrive a little earlier than expected.

Mass Effect is an original sci-fi RPG trilogy that was created by BioWare, the same company that brought us quite a few Star Wars games, the Dragon Age franchise, and Anthem. The first game launched back in 2007 and fans have been clamoring for a remaster — and now BioWare and Electronic Arts are finally delivering.

Late last year, the existence of Mass Effect Legendary Edition was finally confirmed with a teaser trailer more than a decade after the first game's debut. The game was said to be launching in the Spring of 2021, but new evidence has come to light that suggests it might actually be arriving surprisingly early.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition release date slice

When is the Mass Effect Legendary Edition Release Date?

The Mass Effect Legendary Edition release date is March 12, 2021, according to a pair of retailer leaks. Additional information indicates that this release date may indeed be accurate.

Twitter user @IdleSloth84 reports (via Eurogamer) on two retailers listing the game with a March 12 release date. Singaporean retailer Shopitree and Indonesian retailer GSShop both list that specific date via a store page and tweet, respectively. Furthermore, Eurogamer's own sources have indicated that the March 12 release date is real.

Strangely, a March 12 Mass Effect Legendary Edition release date would actually mean that it isn't arriving in Spring 2021 as promised during the reveal: spring does not officially start until March 20, 2021. Much like many Early Access games, Electronic Arts has apparently demonstrated difficulties in reading a calendar.

There's also one critical piece of information we do not yet have. Both retailers are highlighting the PS4 version of the game, but it's unclear which PC platform will serve as the home for this hotly-anticipated remaster. It's entirely possible that it will be exclusive to Origin, although we may see a Steam release since EA has shown a greater willingness to publish its PC games on that platform.

Are you excited for Mass Effect Legendary Edition? How do you think they will continue the franchise in the next game? Let us know in the comments below!

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More Info About This Game
Learn More About Mass Effect Legendary Edition
Electronic Arts
Release Date
May 14, 2021 (Calendar)
RPG, Action RPG
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