Loop Hero Sales Cross 500K Milestone

Over 500k People Have Entered the Loop and Tried to be a Hero

Published: March 11, 2021 1:12 PM /


Loop Hero Sales 500K cover

Loop Hero sales have been pretty great: Four Quarters and Devolver Digital have announced that this brand-new game has sold 500,000 copies in its first week alone.

If you haven't yet played Loop Hero, you're missing out on a highly compelling strategy experience. A Lich has wielded a magical spell to trap the forces of good in a time loop. It's not that bad, though — you can turn it to your advantage by carefully building your forces through each successive run.

You literally build the game world as you go by placing terrain, building, and enemy cards along the loop to craft your challenge. It's all about striking a balance — make it too difficult and you'll have a hard time surviving. Make it too easy, however, and you won't earn very much loot for the next run. It seems like it's a winning formula, and now the developers have shared their surprise at its success along with their plans for the future.

Loop Hero Sales 500K slice

Devs 'Blown Away' by Stellar Loop Hero Sales, Talk Future Content

The excellent Loop Hero sales for the first week have clearly surprised the game's developers, and that's not the only success for this new Devolver Digital game developed by Four Quarters.

"We're so thrilled and blown away to announce that over 500,000 players have set out on loop adventures in the first week since Loop Hero's launch!" read today's announcement. "But our biggest achievement has been to hit Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam user reviews - thank you all so much!"

The game's music, too, has seen a fair amount of success — Devolver Digital says that it's their fasting-selling soundtrack in the company's history in an associated press release.

Going forward, Four Quarters will be focused on quality-of-life updates including a savegame system for the middle of expeditions, new speed settings, and a deck of traits gained from bosses. The devs have also collaborated with the artist Bard-the-zombie on a new set of Steam Trading Cards that you can get right now!

This is just the start for new content, mind — it looks like Four Quarters has a lot more in store for the future of the game. For now, you can buy Loop Hero for PC, Mac, and Linux via its official website for $14.99 or your regional equivalent.

What do you think of the first week of Loop Hero sales? What's your favorite part about the game? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Loop Hero
Game Page Loop Hero
Four Quarters
Devolver Digital
Release Date
March 31, 2021 (Calendar)
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