Final Graven Early Access Update Out Now

The final Graven Early Access update before the game is officially released is now out there in the wild, and it's appropriately spooky given the current holiday season.

Published: October 25, 2022 11:55 AM /


Graven Early Access Update 3 logo showing the main character.

Dark fantasy shooter Graven has gone through some ups and downs since it was announced, but it's still going strong, and now, the final Graven Early Access update is live, bringing a bunch of new features with it. These include the first of three hubs that are launching in the full game, a new side quest, new pickups and breakables, and more.

Next year's 1.0 launch also means that the development team has been focusing on enhancing the combat and AI, which is always a good thing. Other enhancements include the Archivist and the Festering Congregation battles seeing improvements along with the addition of two new difficulty options. The new difficulties are fairly self-explanatory: Casual is easy, and Flagellant is a terrifying difficulty setting that might actually give you Nightmares (ahem).

Graven Early Access Update screenshot showing a big staff and a bigger stone building.
Speak softly and carry a big boomstick.

As well as the features outlined above, the Graven Early Access update also contains a new enemy in the form of the Skeleton Sapper, which should be quite explosive. There are also new traps and secret areas to discover, as well as phantoms and pumpkins, which are a very topical inclusion considering the current holiday season. 

All told, the Graven Early Access update patch notes are pretty comprehensive, and they include some interesting additions. For instance, falling damage has been buffed, so if you have a bad habit of falling, then your clumsiness is going to be rewarded with more pain. To counteract this, the death gold penalty has been nerfed on lower difficulties, which is nice. Other issues and bugs have seen fixes as well, with a particularly amusing one being a player still being crouched upon being Revived if they died while doing so.

Graven has gone through its ups and downs since its 2020 announcement, but hopefully, continued content patches and updates will give you a reason to stick with this one if you're a fan. It's available right now via Steam Early Access if you want to check it out.

For more information on Graven as it lurches toward its 2023 release, stay tuned to TechRaptor.

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Slipgate Ironworks
3D Realms
Release Date
May 26, 2021 (Calendar)
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