Jane Foster Debuting in Future Marvel's Avengers Update

Jane Foster made a splash in the Thor: Love and Thunder trailer -- and you'll soon be able to play her in Marvel's Avengers.

Published: April 19, 2022 1:59 PM /


Marvel's Avengers Update Jane Foster Thor cover

An upcoming Marvel's Avengers update will add Jane Foster as Lady Thor, but we'll be getting some improvements to events like Cosmic Threat first and Corrupted Vibranium first.

Things have been fairly quiet in Marvel's Avengers -- there hasn't been much of note going on aside from the removal of some microtransactions and the debut of Spider-Man. Still, Crystal Dynamics is continuing to work on the game, and now it has a rather nice surprise: Jane Foster will be a playable character sometime in the next few months.

Marvel's Avengers Update Jane Foster Thor slice

Marvel's Avengers Update 2.5 to Debut Jane Foster as Lady Thor

Jane Foster was surprisingly revealed to be starring in Thor: Love and Thunder alongside the titular Asgardian. Now, it looks like she'll be arriving in a future Marvel's Avengers update, too.

As today's announcement explains, Jane Foster will have a lot in common with the current iteration of Thor. That's not to say she'll be a carbon copy of the God of Thunder, though -- she'll have abilities that are "distinctly Jane." More details on Jane Foster will be revealed in the future.

Before that, though, we'll be getting Marvel's Avengers Update 2.4 which is scheduled for sometime in May 2022. This update will be reworking the systems behind in-game events such as Cosmic Threat, Tachyon Anomaly, and Corrupted Vibranium. Rewards for events will be improved and diversified; each event will now reward gear from different sets. Furthermore, Unit rewards will be added to open up another path to earning cosmetic outfits.

The new few weeks and months will be pretty interesting for Marvel's Avengers, especially with the upcoming release of Thor: Love and Thunder later this summer. There's still fun to be had in the game right now, though. You can buy Marvel's Avengers for PC and consoles starting at $39.99 or your regional equivalent.

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Game Page Marvel's Avengers
Crystal Dynamics
Square Enix
Release Date
September 4, 2020 (Calendar)
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