Gotham Knights Release Date May Be Earlier Than You Think

A retailer leak indicates that Gotham Knights may be launching in less than two months.

Published: March 4, 2022 3:05 PM /


Gotham Knights Release Date leak cover

The Gotham Knights release date might be sooner than you'd think -- a new leak indicates that the game may be launching in less than two months. Furthermore, it looks like a playtest may be starting soon.

Gotham Knights is the next big upcoming game to feature Batman. Well, kind of -- Batman is apparently dead, and it's up to a team of his allies from the Batman family to fight a new criminal empire threatening Gotham.

First announced back in the summer of 2020, the game was originally intended to launch last year. Then, the Gotham Knights release date was delayed to an unspecified time in 2022. Now, it seems that the launch date may have leaked according to Hogwarts Legacy News on Twitter (via ResetEra).

When is the Gotham Knights Release Date?

The Gotham Knights release date may be April 24, 2022, as shown in the above tweet. According to Hogwarts Legacy News, this photo was taken at an Irish retailer.

Retailers letting launch dates slip ahead of an official announcement is nothing new and these dates don't always pan out; as always, take this with a grain of salt. However, there is other surrounding evidence that suggests we may be getting close to a launch date for the game.

Sleuths on the /r/LeaksAndRumors subreddit discovered the Gotham Knights Playtest which is over 80 GB in size. As shown on the game's SteamDB page, this file was updated as recently as one and a half hours prior to the time of writing. And this does seem to be genuine -- if you attempt to go to the Steam Store page for the playtest's App Id 1877400, it redirects you to the Gotham Knights Steam Store page. A similar flurry of changes recently took place for the actual game, too, as shown by the Gotham Knights SteamDB page.

We can't say for certain if this Gotham Knights release date is genuine, although the surrounding evidence certainly suggests that something might be going on. We've reached out to Warner Bros. for comment and will update this article when we receive a reply. For now, you can add Gotham Knights to your wishlist on Steam and you can learn more about the game on its official website.

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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