Empire of Sin Update 1.03 Limits Fast Travel, Improves Combat AI

Empire of Sin is getting some much needed love.

Published: February 8, 2021 11:15 AM /


Empire of Sin

MissDeliana, a Community Ambassador for the Paradox Forums, has announced Empire of Sin update 1.03 and the patch notes for it. The most notable inclusions for this patch are that Safehouses are now hidden, Combat AI has been improved and will now offer more of a challenge for players, and a mini-resolve option to "avoid nuisance combat demands", with a new system coming In patch 1.04. Other highlights include fast travel having been limited, and players now no longer able to attack an Enemy Faction that they're not at war with. There's also some news on the 1.03's console patch:

Other general changes include the game no longer pausing and minimizing when it loses focus, AI will ignore temporary alliances when deciding to break an alliance, loot crates have been rebalanced, and time-free teleporting has been removed. There's also been some UI and Locale polishing, along with character model improvements. The game is now more difficult, as the difficulty levels difficulty has been increased, which is an interesting change to make in today's gaming market. If a game's difficulty is changed, usually it's to make it easier, not harder, so the game must've been very easy beforehand, or Paradox is really going after the Souls crowd.

For those that are interested in checking out Empire of Sin, it's available for Microsoft Windows, macOS, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. If you would like to check out the lengthly patch notes they are available here. If you would like to join the Empire of Sin community, there's both a Discord, forum, and a Twitter that you can join and/or follow. For more on Empire of Sin, stay tuned to TechRaptor for more details.

What do you think of this patch? Is this enough to bring you back to the game? Let us know in the comments!

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Game Page Empire of Sin
Romero Games
Release Date
December 1, 2020 (Calendar)
Strategy RPG
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