Divinity: Original Sin II Announced

Published: August 12, 2015 10:48 AM /


divinity original sin 2

Larian Studios is heading back to Kickstarter, this time with a sequel to their last successDivinity: Original Sin II will start its Kickstarter campaign August 26th.

As of now, what features there will be or new additions won't be announced; Larian Studios says they plan on leaving those for when the Kickstarter begins. However, if you are heading to PAX Prime this year, a playable prototype will be there (it seems they deliberately did not use "alpha," so our best guess is that it is more conceptual at this stage). They'll be at Booth #6011.

You can also head on over the the official website for Divinity: Original Sin II right now to get involved in both choosing and voting on what sort of pledge rewards you would like to see on the Kickstarter page.

As of now, don't expect a whole lot more information about the game itself, but do check back on the 26th and then of course when PAX Prime starts up on August 28th.

Divinity Original Sin 2 Box

In a blog post, Swen Vicke, founder of Larian Studios, did want to talk about why Larian was returning to Kickstarter for Original Sin II. It is a worthwhile read, but the primary factor seems to be this:

Divinity: Original Sin wouldn’t be the game it was without the input from our Kickstarter backers & Steam Early Access players. There were a lot of them and they pushed us forwards in directions we hadn’t anticipated when we started development. To this day, our entire team is incredibly grateful for this. Our community was a critical factor for the success of the game. Without having that same community on board, I think it’s going to be very hard for us to achieve the goals we have with Divinity: Original Sin 2, and so we’ll do our very best to convince them to back us once again. The result at the end will be so much better if they do.
Swen also promises that Original Sin II will be much more ambitious than the original, as they can now completely focus on the gameplay rather than spending a lot of time developing the basic systems for the game. He says that they have the budget to do "cool stuff" already, but with Kickstarter they will be able to do "very cool stuff."

Divinity: Orginal Sin Enhanced Edition is discussed for a moment. Swen takes a second in justifying why they had so much money and time invested into it, which he says would have had to go into Original Sin II anyway.

There's still more from Swen's blog post to read through, but those are the highlights.

What are your thoughts on Divinity: Original Sin II using Kickstarter? Are you excited for the sequel? 

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Andrew Otton
| Editor in Chief

Andrew is the Editor in Chief at TechRaptor. Conned into a love of gaming by Nintendo at a young age, Andrew has been chasing the dragon spawned by Super… More about Andrew

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Larian Studios
Larian Studios
Release Date
September 14, 2017 (Calendar)
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