Steelrising DLC Release Date Brings More Carnage Next Month

If you want more out of Spiders' Soulslike, the Cagliostro's Secrets Steelrising DLC will be releasing on November 10th.

Published: October 24, 2022 11:17 AM /


Steelrising screenshot showing a character on a beach close to burning parts of Paris.

If you've played through Steelrising and loved Spiders' Soulslike title, more is coming in just a few weeks on November 10th. That's when the first batch of Steelrising DLC, Cagliostro's Secrets, will be released. It offers a new level, Hôpital Saint Louis, as well as new side quests and more. These new side quests will have you revisiting levels, which should (along with the rest of the Steelrising DLC) give you a good reason to start your New Game Plus playthrough, eh?

If you're hyped about playing the new Steelrising DLC, be warned: access is restricted until you progress past the "Bastille" level, which will then grant you to the content. Once that's accomplished, you'll be able to play through the DLC, which has you encountering the King's agent, the Comte de Cagliostro. You'll explore Hôpital Saint Louis, which has valuable secrets hidden by Louis XVI himself for you to uncover.

Steelrising DLC screenshot shows the main character walking in a fancy Parisian building.
You'll soon be able to admire fancy carpets and works of art once again.

During the course of this mission, you must find a way to outthink Cagliostro's Mesmer-inspired machinery while also encountering new enemies and unlocking new weapons and costumes to use. During this mission, you'll uncover the truth behind the alchemy that powers the King's automatons, so prepare yourself for a shocking truth.

Steelrising is a Soulslike set in an alternate-history version of late 18th-century Paris, where the French Revolution has been bloodily suppressed by Louis XVI and his mechanical army. As an automaton named Aegis, the player will take on the king's army alone in order to save history and ensure that freedom from the monarchy arrives for the French. As a Soulslike, you can expect to frequently utilize the dodging, parries, and attacks that the genre is known for.

For more information on future Steelrising DLC and other Soulslike titles, stay tuned to TechRaptor. The Steelrising DLC Cagliostro's Secrets arrives on November 10th for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S.

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Release Date
September 8, 2022 (Calendar)
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