The Bradwell Conspiracy Launches Next Week

Published: October 3, 2019 5:22 AM /


3D printing in The Bradwell Conspiracy

Bossa Studios and A Brave Plan have revealed the launch date for their upcoming narrative thriller The Bradwell Conspiracy. The game will launch next week as a staggered release across PC and consoles. It was originally announced back in August this year.

The Bradwell Conspiracy casts you as an unnamed visitor to the Bradwell Stonehenge Museum. The museum is holding its 2026 Solstice Gala, but naturally the event can't be allowed to go off without a hitch. There's an explosion, and you awake to find yourself trapped in the collapsing museum. Amber, a Bradwell employee, is also trapped in the museum. To escape, you'll need to work closely with Amber, explore a massive underground complex, and uncover Bradwell's secrets. Check out the new trailer for The Bradwell Conspiracy below:

This new trailer also shows off some of The Bradwell Conspiracy's mechanics. To help you escape, you'll have access to two primary tools: the Bradwell Guide Glasses and a portable 3D printer. The glasses can be used to take photographs to send to Amber. Once she gets the photos, she'll assist you with exploration and escaping. You'll also use your 3D printer to solve the game's many puzzles. You may, for example, need to scan a key and 3D print it to allow you access to a door, or you might need to 3D print a piece of piping to restore water flow. It looks like a pretty unique mechanic, so we're excited to check it out.

The Bradwell Conspiracy launches for PC and PlayStation 4 on October 8th. A Nintendo Switch release will follow on October 10th, followed finally by an Xbox One release on October 11th. The game will cost $19.99 across all platforms.

Will you be checking out The Bradwell Conspiracy when it launches? What platform will you play it on? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

More Info About This Game
Learn More About The Bradwell Conspiracy
A Brave Plan
Bossa Studios
Release Date
October 8, 2019 (Calendar)
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