World Of Tanks Update Brings New Tanks And UI Improvements

Tackle four new mission sets with some seriously heavy Italian tanks in this new update

Published: January 25, 2021 12:14 PM /


A new Italian heavy tank in the new World of Tanks update

The first major World of Tanks update for 2021 has dropped, and it's bringing some fun stuff with it. A new sub-branch of Italian heavy tanks has arrived, as well as switch-ups to the Platoon system and some UI improvements.

What's in this new World of Tanks update?

First up, World of Tanks has a new sub-branch of Italian heavy tanks complete with an improved autoloading system. Tier VIII-Tier X Italian heavy tanks get a 50% rebate on loading time for the next shell as long as you had to shoot before an extra round would be fully loaded. There are 4 tanks to choose from, each of which Wargaming says represents exceptional Italian engineering.

A new Italian tank in the new World of Tanks update
The new Italian tanks in 2021's first World of Tanks update bring improved autoloading to the table.

In addition to the new tanks, you're also getting four new sets of battle missions, each dedicated to a different tank. Completing these mission sets rewards you with a Roman-themed emblem, inscription, and decal, with a different reward for each set. The Rinoceronte set also gives a special "Testudo Formation" 2D style, which will only work with Italian tanks. Don't worry, though - the other rewards can be used for any tank in the game. Mission sets are designed around the tanks to which they correspond, but it's also possible to tackle these missions in the Rinoceronte tank or the Bisonte C45 Tier VIII tank.

How does the new World of Tanks Platoon system work?

Wargaming is calling the new system "Platoon 2.0". It should make it easier for you to find battle companions in the Random Battle mode. Platoon 2.0 is fully automated and will search for players using a set of filters you apply. It's also possible to team up with a friend and use the new system to find a third player if you wish. Once the Platoon is complete, you'll see allied vehicles alongside your own in the Garage.

As well as the new Platoon 2.0 system, Wargaming is also introducing new UI improvements to World of Tanks. The devs say they've integrated the best UI features from popular mods into the official client. The game settings menu now includes options such as a Proximity spotting circle (which shows the radius of "unconditional" spotting on the minimap" and a damaged vehicle repair timer module.

You can check out the full World of Tanks update patch notes for 1.11.1 right here. If you've yet to try out this action MMO, then be sure to click here to check it out. After a year like 2020, who doesn't want to blow things up with tanks?

Disclosure: TechRaptor partners with World of Tanks via an affiliate program, and TechRaptor receives a commission based on users who sign up or return to the game via TechRaptor's link.

Will you be heading into World of Tanks to check out update 1.11.1? Let us know in the comments below!

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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