World of Final Fantasy to see October release

Published: June 8, 2016 11:45 PM /


World of Final Fantasy

The beloved role-playing franchise Final Fantasy will be seeing a new title in its nearly three decade long library, as World of Final Fantasy has been confirmed for an October release on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita. Produced, distributed, and developed by Square Enix, Inc., World of Final Fantasy is set in the land of Grymoire and focuses around two protagonists, the twins Reynn and Lann, who are in search of their missing memories. All characters and monsters the player meets along the way will rendered in chibi-style models, with the exception of player characters who can switch at will between chibi-style, and more realistic models found in Final Fantasy games.

While fans of the Final Fantasy franchise have known about World of Final Fantasy since it was revealed to audiences at the 2015 Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3), this is the first time that Square Enix has publicly announced a release date for World of Final Fantasy. In addition to the release date for World of Final Fantasy, a new trailer was also released on Monday for the upcoming E3 2016, which can be viewed below.

Combat in World of Final Fantasy will use the Active Time Battle (ATB) found in previous Final Fantasy games, and will also feature the use of "tower combinations" between the player characters and trainable monsters which will affect statuses and combat abilities.

This isn't the only Final Fantasy title to be in the spotlight this year.  Final Fantasy XV is set to release later in the year, on September 30; Final Fantasy X/X-2 saw a remastered re-release on May 12; and while Final Fantasy IX saw a PC release back in April, it's been rumored to be seeing a release for the PlayStation Vita as well.

Players who pre-order World of Final Fantasy will receive a special Sephiroth summon, who can assist them in battle.

World of Final Fantasy will be released in North America on October 25, 2016, with the Japanese release following on October 27 and the European Union release on October 28. No ESRB rating or MSRP is available at this time.

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| Former Staff Writer

Brandon is a former TechRaptor Staff Writer, who primarily covered news and Tabletop - especially Magic the Gathering.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About World of Final Fantasy
Release Date
October 25, 2016 (Calendar)
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