Vidar Leaves Steam Early Access on June 15

Published: May 27, 2017 12:47 PM /


vidar town

RPG Puzzle game Vidar by Razbury Games will be departing Steam Early Access on June 15, 2017, according to a tweet from the game's developers. In addition to the launch of Version 1.0 of the game, the digital soundtrack will also be made available.

Vidar is a game that mixes elements from classic role-playing games and puzzle games. The product of a successful Kickstarter, it initially released on Steam Early Access in January of 2017. Players find themselves in a town where someone dies every night and it's up to them to put a stop to the massacre. The relationships of the characters are intertwined just as you would expect in any small community; each death has effects on the game's world as a whole and changes the way characters act in such ways as changing their dialogue or making different quests available.

Which villagers die and the order they die in are randomized in each playthrough of the game. Other elements of the game such as the quest pool and certain areas outside of the town also are randomized; each successive playthrough will result in a different gameplay experience. The main way players will try to put a stop to the deaths in the game is by making their way to the center of a nearby dungeon; you'll have to use all of your tools & skills to work your way through the puzzles before everyone in town dies.

If you want to find out more, go read our Vidar preview and if it sounds like something you would enjoy, you can get it right now on Steam for $9.99 or your regional equivalent. Vidar leaves Steam Early Access on June 15, 2017.

What do you think of Vidar? Does the concept of the game intrigue you or does it not really sound like your kind of thing? How important it is for a game to have replayability and variety through randomization or some other method? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Vidar
Game Page Vidar
Razbury Games
Razbury Games
Release Date
June 15, 2017 (Calendar)
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