Total War: Warhammer III Multiplayer Updates Including 8 Players At Once and More

Total War: Warhammer III is looking like the biggest entry yet, including some big changes and additions to multiplayer.

Published: January 19, 2022 10:00 AM /


total war warhammer 3

With a little over a month to release, the last big pieces of news for Total War: Warhammer III are coming out. Today, Creative Assembly announced some big changes and additions coming to Warhammer 3 multiplayer.

Check out our 50 turn preview of Daemons of Chaos here, 50 turns of Grand Cathay here, and our general preview of all the new features in Total War: Warhammer III here.

The first big change makes campaign multiplayer all the more epic, increasing the maximum player count from two to eight. With that improvement comes new scenarios and a whole lot more to the game.

Something Rotten in Kislev is a three player scenario focused on Kislev and the spread of Chaos coming into the territory. On a bigger scale, the Darkness & Disharmony scenario is a six player campaign focused on the all-new Grand Cathay faction, which was recently thrown into their own brand of chaos with the disappearance of the Dragon Emperor and the Moon Empress.

Warhammer 3 multiplayer will see some quality of life improvements too, like the ability for all players to take their turns simultaneously. Yes, that means you finally don't have to wait and watch what your friend does, allowing everyone to get back in the action much quicker.

To further combat players sitting idly by, anytime someone you're playing with engages in a battle, everyone can take part. That can mean splitting up your friend's army with everyone controlling a piece, or for the ultimate mayhem, players can take control of the AI enemy forces.

For those looking for some action on the PVP front, Warhammer 3 will have you covered as well. Domination Battles see players battle for control points and capturing objectives in a large arena map. Creative Assembly mentioned in a recent press event that they expect this to be very popular among pro players, offering a more dynamic area for combat.

There's a lot more to know about what's coming in Total War: Warhammer III, so make sure to check out our previews linked above.

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Andrew Otton
| Editor in Chief

Andrew is the Editor in Chief at TechRaptor. Conned into a love of gaming by Nintendo at a young age, Andrew has been chasing the dragon spawned by Super… More about Andrew

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Total War: Warhammer III
Creative Assembly
Feral Interactive
Release Date
February 17, 2022 (Calendar)
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