Tales of Arise x Scarlet Nexus Collab DLCs Announced

Crossover DLC is coming to both Scarlet Nexus and Tales Arise, bringing content from each game into the other.

Published: March 23, 2022 2:38 PM /


Tales of Arise x Scarlet Nexus DLC cover

Bandai Namco has announced Tales of Arise x Scarlet Nexus DLC -- each game will feature content from the other in an upcoming collaboration crossover.

Tales of Arise and Scarlet Nexus have been fairly successful games for Bandai Namco. Tales of Arise has done particularly well, selling 1 million copies in its first week alone and smashing the sales records for previous Tales of games. These two game worlds will soon grace one another with crossover collaboration DLC.

Tales of Arise x Scarlet Nexus DLC slice

What is the Tales of Arise x Scarlet Nexus DLC?

As Gematsu reports (and translates), Bandai Namco has announced the Tales of Arise x Scarlet Nexus DLC earlier today, bringing crossover content to each of these two games.

On the Tales of Arise side, Scarlet Nexus items including Yuito's weapon "Myoho Muramasa" and the "Baki-chan" attachment will be made available in the game. As for Scarlet Nexus, it will be getting items like Alphen's broken iron mask and the Blazing Sword. This handful of items coming to each game will bring a dash of flavor from one title to another.

The Tales of Arise DLC will be free for players, but it's currently unclear if the Scarlet Nexus DLC will also be available for free or if it will be a premium product. More details will be shared about the Tales of Arise x Scarlet Nexus DLC in the coming days, so we'll probably find out then.

It's pretty cool to see Bandai Namco creating crossover content for two of its latest games like this. Considering the size of its catalog, we'll hopefully see similar endeavors take place in more and more games as time goes on. For now, there's plenty of fun to be had in each of these titles -- you can buy Tales of Arise and Scarlet Nexus for PC and consoles via their respective websites starting at $59.99 each (or your regional equivalent).

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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More Info About This Game
Learn More About Tales of Arise
Game Page Tales of Arise
Namco Bandai Games
Release Date
September 9, 2021 (Calendar)
JRPG, Action RPG
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