Cat Adventure Stray Delayed Until 2022

Stray is a cyberpunk world where you play as a cat, but you won't be able to check it out until next year.

Published: July 30, 2021 11:59 AM /



Everything isn't going purrfectly according to plan for Stray as Annapurna Interactive announced a Stray delay.

While this news isn't super exciting, what is interesting is that it's set in a cybernetic world and you have to solve a mystery. What mystery is that? Well, as you can see in the first official gameplay, you're definitely a stray and you're exploring a cyberpunk universe. You don't really know how you got there, but with the help of a bot you're both trying to escape. Check it out:

What is Stray, and why should I care?

You are lost cat in a strange city of human-like machines. The graphics are phenomenal you have to stay focused as you're trying to solve a mystery as an injured feline to escape a long-forgotten city. The gameplay is a third-person cat adventure game, and as a stray you roam about trying to figure out what's going on. You eventually find a drone B-12, which you use to interact with the world around them as you both are trying to escape the community of human-like machines that have developed a taste for cat-viar. You can be a stealthy feline, or be as silly as you please while annoying the inhabitants of the world. 

If Stray seems like a game that's right up your... ahem, alley, be sure to check it out on Steam (where you can add to your wishlist) and the PlayStation 5 in early 2022. Newly announced is also a PlayStation 4 version of Stray which will be coming at the same time.

Quick Take

This game is really unique. I mean there's a lot of opportunities here for me to write more cat puns, and everyone likes cats, right? Let's make a deal: if this game turns out to be good as the graphics and what's been shown so far, I will make as many puns as my editor allows me to. Deal? Deal.

What do you make of this game? Are you ready for more cat puns? Let us know in the comments!

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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