Silent Hill Creators Create Unique World of Tanks Halloween Event

Published: October 26, 2020 10:59 AM /


World of Tanks has announced its biggest World of Tanks Halloween event ever, starting today. It's a collaboration between Wargaming and Masahiro Ito, the Art Director and Monster Designer behind the Silent Hill universe, and Akira Yamaoka, who is the composer of the same series. Using their combined talents, the event "will expose players to the sinister story of a scientific experiment gone wrong." Sound familiar? 

It's a PVE coop event, and players must work together to save the world while also uncovering the lore behind the town of Mirny-13. They must also use teamwork and tactical cooperation to overcome mysterious armored manifestations from a mysterious power.

“Inspired by the imaginations of both Ito-san and Yamaoka-san – we’ve let our team run wild for spooky season, with a custom event map and a unique coop mechanics; this PVE event will be unlike any other” says Max Chuvalov, World of Tanks Global Publishing Director. “But beware, those who go it alone will do so at their own peril. Teamwork is key this Halloween, and it is the only way to vanquish your frightful foes.”

Going in platoons of five, players will play through four changing worlds while riding in specifically modified Tier 9 vehicles for the event. As they play through it, players will unlock the story of Mirny-13 as they play through it. Throughout the event, players will be able to access unique event content. These include special crew members and 3d styles and camos. Players will also earn XP and Credits that carry over to the main game. For the main hanger, players will be able to listen to an ambient track created by Akira Yamaoka.

“Working on this year’s Halloween event for World of Tanks was a very interesting and rewarding experience,” says Masahiro Ito. “The combination of the passionate artists at Wargaming and our shared vision for a unique and frightening event made this all possible. My previous works are known for their unsettling atmospheres, chilling narratives and nightmarish beasts, so hopefully World of Tanks players are ready to experience all of these this Halloween!”

World of Tanks is available to play on PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, iOS, Android, macOS, and the Nintendo Switch. 

You can join in on the event here!

What do you think of the World of Tanks Halloween event? Would you prefer if it was a real Silent Hill crossover? What is the most rediculous ways you can think of crossing those 2 IPs? Let us know in the comments below!

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Release Date
August 12, 2010 (Calendar)
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