Poison Control is Coming to PS4 and Switch in 2021

Developer and publisher NIS America has announced a new game called Poison Control, where players have to deal with a mysterious phenomenon where spirits become trapped within "poisonous manifestations of their own despair".

Published: September 18, 2020 11:27 AM /


Poison Control

Developer and publisher NIS America has announced a new game called Poison Control, where players have to deal with a mysterious phenomenon where spirits become trapped within "poisonous manifestations of their own despair". Pretty heavy stuff, honestly.

Players will play as the haughty Poisonette and her amnesiac (because it wouldn't be a JRPG without one character with amnesia) Soul Mate. They are important because they are the only two that can purify the spirits. They will go into the twisted and catchily-named Belles' Hells, where they will encounter fallen souls that long to escape, other Poison Maidens with their own agendas, and creatures from the Poison Mires that try to stop them. 

Players will be able to switch between the poison-absorbing Poisonette and the gun-wielding Soul Mate, and together they combine firepower and zone control to destroy the creatures from the Poison Mires. New weapons such as poison bombs, diffusions, and fire poisons can be unlocked, and Poisonette's stats can be enhanced through dialogue choices.

The story of the game will feature Poisonette and Soul Mate on their... poisonous path to redemption. Still, it won't be too grim, with the typical NIS art style that is quirky, colorful, and chaotic. There will be vivid stages with vibrant gameplay effects, and its describes as an adventure that is as "much of a visual experience as it is visceral." I guess we'll have to see about that one. It certainly looks colorful.

Poison Control will be released on PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch in 2021.

What do you think of this announcement? Are you interested in this title? Do you think it's possible that a JRPG game can have non-amnesiac characters in it? (Editor: Yes, yes it is. It's even possible for them to have zero amnesiac characters!) Let us know in the comments! 

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Poison Control
Game Page Poison Control
NIS America, Inc.
Release Date
April 13, 2021 (Calendar)
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