Play With Derpy Dinosaurs in Parkasaurus, Now On Steam Early Access

Published: September 25, 2018 2:07 PM /


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The dinosaur park management game Parkasaurus is now live on Steam Early Access according to a news post on the game's Steam Community page.

We first heard about Parkasaurus in late November 2017. This game by Washbear Studio is somewhat in the vein of stuff like Jurassic Park with a decidedly less-serious tone, something that I absolutely adored at the time. I was certainly looking forward to seeing it come out, and now gamers won't have to wait any longer to get their hands on this delightful dinosaur game. Have a look at the Official Date Announcement Trailer to see what you can expect from WashBear's inaugural title on Steam:

Parkasaurus was originally supposed to launch on Steam Early Access sometime in Spring of this year, but it seems like it needed a bit more time to get the development just right. The dinosaur designs are much cleaner while still retaining that derpy charm that stole my heart, and new additions like silly little accessories for your park's attractions make things all the more adorable. While other games put a more serious scientific flavor on the experience, Parkasaurus goes down a different path that has you traveling back in time and building hilariously inadequate enclosures for terrifying t-rexes and voracious velociraptors.

The game places a particular emphasis on exhibit design. You'll have to balance the welfare of your creatures while simultaneously making the exhibits attractive for guests. A seasonal system means that changing weather will bring new challenges for park managers to handle. This is, of course, a tycoon game, meaning that you'll also have to concern yourself with managing employees and the park's finances.

As with some other Early Access games, Parkasaurus has a development roadmap where you can see what's in the game already and what's on the way. If Parkasaurus sounds like your kind of jam, you can pick it up for $19.99 or your regional equivalent on Steam.

What do you think of Parkasaurus? Do you prefer tycoon games to be more serious or more comedic in tone? What's your favorite dino-themed game? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Parkasaurus
Game Page Parkasaurus
Washbear Studio
Washbear Studio
Release Date
August 13, 2020 (Calendar)