Overcooked 2 Carnival Of Chaos DLC Announced

Published: August 30, 2019 9:00 AM /


overcooked 2 carnival of chaos

Team 17 just announced the last portion of the Overcooked 2 season pass with the  Carnival of Chaos DLC coming out September 12.


The new circus-themed levels look like they will be adding human cannonballs to the mix as part of the action, as well as focusing on circus staple junk food for you to cook with your friends. Expect the same level of creative wackiness that the previous DLC Night of the Hangry Horde and Campfire Cook-Off had with circus-themed looks for your characters. Although we'll have to wait a bit longer to see what new features or game modes this DLC will bring (like the horde mode in Night of the Hangry Horde) as the current reveal trailer leaves a bit much to the imagination.

Overcooked 2 has brought couch co-op to new heights, improving upon the original and it's great to see the game get so much post-launch support. Be sure to check out our review of the original and stay tuned in for more information on the contents of the Overcooked 2 Carnival of Chaos DLC as we get it.

You can pick up Overcooked 2 Carnival of Chaos individually or, as mentioned, as part of the season pass for $19.99 on September 12.

Quick Take

Like usual any news about more content for Overcooked 2 is good news, although it would have been nice to have a bit more detail in the reveal trailer considering the Carnival of Chaos will be dropping in around two weeks at the time of writing. Overcooked 2 is a favorite of my mine and my friends, so picking up the season pass was a no brainer for us, hopefully we'll see some type of new game mode for this DLC to keep things fresh. 

What do you think of the circus theme for the final DLC of the season pass for Overcooked 2? What, if any, new modes would you want to see put into the game with this DLC? Let us know in the comments below!

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Kyle Downey TechRaptor
| Staff Writer

Staff Writer looking to keep you both informed and entertained. Favorite games include: Pokemon, Overwatch, Golden Sun, Portal, and Elder Scrolls.

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Ghost Town Games
Release Date
August 7, 2018 (Calendar)