Nintendo Indie World - Superhot Switch Release Announced And Available Today

Published: August 19, 2019 10:12 AM /



Revealed at Nintendo's Indie World this morning, Superhot is now available on the go. By that we mean, developer Superhot Team has announced that not only is Superhot Switch a thing, but Superhot Switch is available today on the Nintendo eShop.

Rumors of Superhot Switch began when twitter took off when it was found included in the Switch version update over the weekend by user SimonTime, or more precisely that it had even gotten an update before being announced. This led many to believe it was coming during the Indie World event today, and likely a direct announcement that was further fed fire by Daniel Ahmed's comments that two games would be dropped during the show, and he made a comment about them being hot.

superhot switch

What is Superhot?

Originally released in 2016, Superhot is a first-person shooter that makes extensive use of bullet time, as time in the game essentially only moves when you do. You have to take on a variety of foes and make use of the weapons in the area - primarily from your foes to kill them and survive outmanned and outgunned. Avoiding the highly detailed worlds that most games use, Superhot goes for a stark, digital-like appearance with clean white levels, and enemies as low poly red humans.

Cited as one of, if not the, most innovative shooters in years, Superhot is often discussed as being a puzzle shooter. This is because of the game's timeframe essentially only moving when you do, and thus you have time to solve what you need to do to survive and clear the level - with 1 hit deaths all around for you and foes, each step has a number of consequences that one can foresee. Superhot comes with its main story mode, an endless mode, and a challenge mode with a variety of challenges. There are also a variety of mini-games and other elements that tie-in some with the mind-bending story.

Originally conceived in a 7-day game jam, Superhot entered full production after that and got support on Kickstarter to help make it come to life. While it took 30 months to go from that jam title to the original release, one can see the core concepts in it. If you want to learn more about Superhot I suggest checking out our review which gave it a 9 out of 10.

What do you think of Superhot Switch? Do you plan on playing it on the go? If so, will you say SuperHot as you play on the bus? Let us know in the comments below!

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Don Parsons
| Senior Writer

A longtime lover of speculative fiction, in almost all its forms, Don joined TechRaptor in 2014 on a whim sending in an application as he was looking for… More about Don

More Info About This Game
Learn More About SUPERHOT
Xbox One, PC
Release Date
February 25, 2016 (Calendar)
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