New Fire Emblem Engage Break Mechanic Stops Counter Attacks

Stop the enemy dead in their tracks for one round with Fire Emblem Engage's new Break mechanic, which gives you a massive upper hand in battle

Published: October 24, 2022 4:14 PM /


Fire Emblem Engage screenshot of the in game player menu, showcasing the Divine Edition menu where we see the players stats

The developers at Intelligent Systems have announced a new feature to their upcoming game, Fire Emblem Engage. The newest addition to the game is the Break mechanic that we see in oh-so-many RPGs, which adds depth and an advantage for the player.

Fire Emblem Engage is an upcoming tactical role-playing game, which is another installment in the Fire Emblem series. As of writing, the current planned release date is January 20, 2023, which is of course subject to change. It seems as though more and more RPGs are implementing this "Break" mechanic in their games, where players are able to stop the enemy from counterattacking for an entire round; this leaves the player with the upper hand in most battles.

According to the Twitter post by @SerenesForest explaining this mechanic, they state

"When you hit an enemy with an advantageous weapon, you can "Break" them. An enemy inflicted with "Break" cannot counterattack until the end of the next fight, benefitting the player. Defeating enemies by considering the relationship of weapons is crucial to battles. #FEEngage"

One huge thing to note here is the use of the word "can". This makes people wonder if the Break mechanic is not a guarantee when using the Weapon Triangle Advantage attack. One other thing to note here is the mechanic itself; we know that this tactical Break comes with its benefits, but there is still some information that seems to be shrouded in secrecy. This mechanic can prove to make or break either side of the battlefield if the enemies are also able to utilize it. This would mean players would be left completely vulnerable if the NPC enemies are able to use it as well.

Sadly, as of yet, these questions remain unanswered. Hopefully, more information will be released in regard to this mechanic as the game's release date approaches.

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Samantha Plaisance Gaming Writer
| Former Staff Writer

Samantha is an experienced Freelance Gaming Writer with a deep passion for all things gaming. At a young age, she was introduced to the wonderful world of… More about Samantha

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Game Page Fire Emblem Engage
Nintendo Switch
Release Date
January 20, 2023 (Calendar)
Tactical RPG
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