New Division Update Removes Characters. Again.

Published: May 24, 2016 12:06 PM /


The Division Conflict_Incursion_converted

The problems with Ubisoft Massive's MMOFPS The Division are slowly, but surely, becoming a dependable discomfort for the players. The new update was supposed to implement more fixes and tweaks in addition to some new gameplay features, but it seems like this patch, like some that came before, has also managed to break the game in some familiar ways.

The biggest one is the triumphant return of the missing character bug that plagued Xbox One players a while back. Only this time, it's the PC players that are reporting that either their main character or multiple characters are MIA. While it's probably something Ubisoft Massive can fix - they've done it before - this is still not something that should ever happen.

A Reddit user by the name of RidRaff has been compiling an extensive list of all the known bugs found in the game by players since the 1.2 update. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Things like the game displaying a double UI when you enter another person's instance.
  • Chat that is completely broken for some people.
  • Getting teleported back to the new incursion's entrance randomly.
  • Assignment objectives not showing up on players' maps.
  • A bug that doesn't display armor value.
  • Some people getting banned due to them either accidentally or intentionally being grouped with a hacker.
  • Gear Score dropping when using a pistol.
  • Invisible walls stopping people from moving around in the Dark Zone.
  • Dramatic frame rate drops where before there were none.
  • There's also this hilarious bug that would set you on fire if you walked past a certain location. While this bug wasn't introduced in the new patch, the location now blinding you in addition to setting you on fire is brand new.
If you have encountered any bugs not mentioned in the Reddit thread, you can have them added to the list by going here.

Quick Take

With all the bugs and unintended technical difficulties that plague The Division on what seems to be a weekly basis, it becomes harder and harder to see the game's potential. The complete absence of quality assurance does not bode well for the game's future. I'd love for them to actually fix everything, but so far they've been pushing new content before the kinks have been ironed out and that is no way to treat your customers.

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Chris Anderson
| Staff Writer

I've been playing games since I was just barely able to walk so I might as well write about them.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Tom Clancy's The Division
Ubisoft Massive
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
March 7, 2016 (Calendar)
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