Microsoft E3 2016 - Recore Gameplay Shown Off, Release Date Revealed

Published: June 13, 2016 2:19 PM /


Recore Header

Recore was first revealed by Microsoft at E3 last year, but until now, we hadn't actually seen any gameplay from the game. During this year's Microsoft E3 press conference, we finally got to see more of what the game actually is. The newest trailer for Recore showed off things like shooting, platforming, and the various Corebot companions that will help the protagonist Joule Adams. Some of these companions include a robotic dog, spider, and  gorilla. 

The shooting mechanics were not showed off in great detail, but the trailer does show Joule shooting at a robotic centipede briefly. However, platforming was shown off more extensively.  The spider-looking Corebot companion can be seen helping Joule move from platform to platform, and Joule can be seen using rocket-powered shoes to slow her descent a couple of times. Much of the platforming can be compared closely to that of the Ratchet and Clank franchise. 

Check out the full gameplay trailer for the game below:

Recore is an Xbox One and Windows 10 exclusive and part of Microsoft's new Play Anywhere initiative. Development for the game is being lead by legendary developer Keiji Inafune, creator of the classic Mega Man games, and the two studios working on the game are Armature Studio and Comcept Inc. Recore also now has an official release date, and that date is September 13th of this year for North America. Europe will have to wait until September 16th. The game will cost $39.99, and if you pre-order the game you will receive Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts for Xbox 360, which will be playable on Xbox One thanks to cross-play. The collectors edition for the game will cost you $179.99, and that version of the game will get you a hand-finished and painted statue of the game's main protagonists, as well as an assortment of other miscellaneous goodies. 

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PC, Xbox One
Release Date
September 13, 2016 (Calendar)
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