Marshawn Lynch is Dante "Beast Mode" Jefferson in Predator: Hunting Grounds

Published: December 8, 2020 10:42 AM /



Lucas Pederson, the Lead Gameplay Engineer at Illfonic, the developer of Predator: Hunting Grounds, has announced that the Dante "Beast Mode" Jefferson pack would be released today. Marshawn Lynch is a former(?) running back in the NFL, and his nickname is Beast Mode, which makes sense considering his in-game name is also "Beast Mode".

Here's the quote:

Recruited into a special ops group early in his military career, Dante “Beast Mode” Jefferson earned a reputation for ruthless ferocity in combat. Using his signature explosive weaponry, Dante led his team through multiple missions worldwide with incomparable success. During one covert mission in the jungles of Thailand, his team was hunted by a Predator. He watched as his team was dragged off one by one and slaughtered. Dante was forced to hunt the killer on his own, and with a well-placed B34S-T rocket, managed to destroy the Predator, leaving no trace. After calling for an exfil, Dante was picked up and flown to an undisclosed location, finding himself face to face with Dutch, who had an offer: join his team… 

So, he did.  

Beast Mode's custom rocket launcher (which is a custom B34S-T (BEAST) rocket launcher), is a anti-armor weapon and the only rocket launcher in the game. It will be unlockable for all in February 2021, but it will be available starting today for anyone who buys the DLC pack. 

For those who won't be buying the DLC pack, everyone will be able to enjoy a new OWLF class unlocked at level 40 and includes multiple weapons. These weapons are the Proximity Detector Launcher (Level 43 unlock), Electromagnetic Pulse – EMP Mine (Level 80 Unlock), and the Plasma Rifle (Level 135 Unlock). All players will also be able to unlock the Battle Axe at level 85, which comes with the Viking Predator update in October. 

For those who would like to read the full blog post, be sure to go here

What do you think of the update? Do you like having an NFL player in a Predator video game? Let us know in the comments!

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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