Forspoken DLC "In Tanta We Trust" Release Date Announced

Square Enix has announced the release date for Forspoken's DLC "In Tanta We Trust" 👀

Published: March 29, 2023 11:15 AM /


Forspoken DLC Art in Tanta We Trust

Today Square Enix announced the release date of the DLC for its open-world parkour-driven JRPG Forspoken titled "In Tantas We Trust."

The story-focused DLC will launch for PS5 and PC (on Steam, Epic Games Store, and Windows Store) on May 26, 2023. Of course, if you have the Deluxe Edition of the game you won't need to purchase the DLC separately and you're even getting it early, on May 23.

 Not only will it include new story content, but also new magical abilities for Frey and new environments that will challenge her parkour skills. 

While we don't get a trailer, below you can check out the key artwork for the DLC.

Forspoken DLC Art

Here's how Square Enix describes the DLC's content. Do keep in mind that you could consider it a spoiler if you have not played the main game.

"Forspoken: In Tanta We Trust story DLC will serve as a prequel to the main game and takes place 25 years prior the events of Forspoken. Continuing her search for a way to eradicate the Break from Athia once and for all, Frey finds herself following a mysterious voice that leads her to a place that somehow transports her to the Purge of the Rheddig, the legendary battle that devastated Athia and eventually drove the Tantas to madness. Accompanied by Tanta Cinta and a new set of magical abilities, Frey must uncover the answers and save Athia once more – and attempt to save herself."

Forspoken is already available for PS5 and PC. If you'd like to know whether it's good or not, you can read our review. Unfortunately, the game has underperformed sales-wise according to Square Enix's own metrics, which possibly contributed to its development team, Luminous Productions, being reabsorbed within the developer's other studios

Luminous Productions used to be a wholly-owned subsidiary formed by a core of veteran developers who had worked on Final Fantasy XV.

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More Info About This Game
Learn More About Forspoken
Game Page Forspoken
Square Enix
PC, PlayStation 5
Release Date
January 24, 2023 (Calendar)
Action RPG
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