The Elder Scrolls Online Dropping Subscription, Console Release in June

The Elder Scrolls Online Dropping Subscription, Console Release in June

Published: January 21, 2015 12:41 PM /


A group of characters in The Elder scrolls Online

And so it has happened. The events that are currently unfolding have been carried from mouth to mouth, like a whisper in the night. Alright, maybe it's not all that dramatic. We all saw it coming after all, but Bethesda has finally announced that The Elder Scrolls Online will be dropping its monthly subscription fee.

This doesn't mean Zenimax is making The Elder Scrolls Online free-to-play. You'll still need to buy a copy of the game to start your adventures in the online version of Tamriel.

The game will also undergo a name change as part of this refurbishment and will be called "The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited" (A bit on the cheesy side, but...).

In 2 months, the world of Tamriel should get a boost in its population, as these changes will go into effect on March 17th this year. The game will continue to be the same, however, the subscription fee will be gone.

A monster in The Elder Scrolls Online

It should be noted that the option to buy additional content, such as cosmetic items and convenience items through microtransactions will still be present (Because of course, it will).

Those currently paying for a monthly subscription to play ESO will be put into a new program titled ESO Plus which will give players in-game items and in-game currency (which can be used on cosmetic and convenience items). These subscribers will also gain access to all DLC content

In addition to these changes, Zenimax and Bethesda have also announced that console owners will be able to take part in the MMO this June.

After a long wait for console players, the console version will be launching on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on June 9th this year. These versions will be launching with all the content currently available in the PC version, and will also be free of subscription.

Are you looking forward to the changes and will you be coming back/buying ESO now that the monthly subscription is gone? Will you be picking up the console version of the game? What do you think about ESO and how it handled the world of The Elder Scrolls in the MMO format? Sound off in the comments below!

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| Former Writer

I played my first video game when I was 4 years old and I haven't looked back since. If you can't find me playing videogames, writing, or playing music, I'm… More about Marc

More Info About This Game
Learn More About The Elder Scrolls Online
Bethesda Softworks
PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Release Date
April 4, 2014 (Calendar)
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