The Division Open Beta Will Have More Content, Bug Fixes

Published: February 10, 2016 8:01 AM /


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If you've played the preorder exclusive closed beta for Tom Clancy's The Division you probably know that that beta was a little light in terms of content that could be tested. With the open beta becoming available to the general public on February 19, Ubisoft has deployed a patch on the PS4 that implements several fixes as well as add in more content available to play during the open beta. If you want to read the full list you can do so by visiting DSOgaming, but we'll go through the most important bits here as well.

First off, you'll gain access to a new mission called 'Subway Morgue', which will introduce a new faction called 'The Cleaners' while you're exploring a mass grave in Manhattan's underground. Finishing this mission will open up your stronghold's tech wing, which was closed off in the closed beta. The closed beta only had the medical wing open to players. Opening up the tech wing gives you access to a deployable turret to use while you're out in the field. The only wing that remains closed is the security wing, which will most likely stay closed until the game releases.

The game's Dark Zone PVP area will also be getting some additional features and tweaks. You'll be able to acquire a range of new and powerful high-end weapons while backstabbing your friends, fight enemies that have been buffed significantly in addition to NPC enemies being more commonplace. Going rogue also has a bigger risk/reward factor than before, with rogue players getting 1.5x the kill bounty is they manage to survive. If you're a level 5 rogue, your manhunt countdown timer will no longer refresh when entering into combat, instead the timer will pause until you disengage. To make it easier to spot who is who, only rogue players will have a red health bar. You will also get a warning if you've shot a friendly agent accidentally, so going rogue is less likely to be a mistake from now on.

Other changes include new beta participation rewards for Ubisoft Club members, better tutorial videos at the start of the game, a fix for a bug that made players invisible to each other. According to a blog on the official Ubisoft website, the issues regarding cheat detection on the PC have been largely addressed. The servers have also gotten some additional polish, hopefully minimizing the random disconnects some players were seeing.

The Division is launching soon, with the open beta starting next week. I played the closed beta a fair bit so if you're interested in trying this game out and you want to know what you can expect you can check that out here. Note that if you were part of the closed beta, you will not need to redownload the client since it will just be updated to the open beta version. Just like last time, Xbox One players gain access to the beta 24 hours before everyone else.

We've done some more coverage on this game as well, including some info on the game's season pass and info on the game's PC port. There's also been a bit of controversy surrounding that PC port, you can read the full story plus Ubisoft's response here.

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Chris Anderson
| Staff Writer

I've been playing games since I was just barely able to walk so I might as well write about them.

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Tom Clancy's The Division
Ubisoft Massive
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
March 7, 2016 (Calendar)
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