Detroit: Community Play Extension Out Now

Published: June 19, 2020 11:44 AM /


Detroit: Become Human

Quantic Dream, the developer of Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and Detroit: Become Human, has partnered up with Biborg, a creative agency that is dedicated to gaming and entertainment, to create a new way of playing stories with the launch of their Detroit: Community Play Twitch extension.

The extension allows viewers to actively influence playthroughs of Detroit: Become Human that are streamed on Twitch. It gives viewers the option to click on an interactive poll, allowing them to dictate how playthroughs are completed:

“By designing the Twitch extension for Detroit: Become Human, we wanted to encourage streams of the game for its release on the Steam platform. With the title having enjoyed great success on Playstation 4 in 2018, we also wanted to offer these players a refreshed experience of playing on Twitch by bringing a collective dimension to this usually solo-player narrative genre," said Bruno Luriot, CEO of Biborg.

He continues: "To do this, we worked closely with Quantic Dream’s marketing, creative and technical teams and identified two main challenges: narrative and experiential, in order to determine the best times to solicit viewers' opinions and technically to allow the game engine to communicate with the Twitch extension."

The extension is available for PC gamers that have the game on both Steam and Epic Games Store. The poll questions were designed by the Quantic Dreams narrative team. Coincidentally, the game is also 10% off on Steam if you're interested. If you're interested enough to download the extension, be sure to click here. If you want to peruse the Twitch list of currently active streams, go here.

What do you think of this news? Have you played Detroit: Become Human? Will you stream a playthrough or participate in one? Let us know in the comments!

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Detroit: Become Human
Quantic Dream
PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
May 25, 2018 (Calendar)
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