Cuphead Goes Double Platinum With Over 2 Million Copies Sold

Published: December 20, 2017 10:00 PM /


cuphead double platinum

Old-school cartoon throwback Cuphead has sold 2 million copies according to a post on the game's official website.

According to Studio MDHR Inc. Co-founder Chad Moldenhauer, Cuphead has sold 2 million copies across all platforms since its launch in late September of this year. The team at Studio MDHR never thought "in their wildest dreams" that so many people around the world would have picked up the game, much less turned it into the cultural phenomenon that it's been. Fans have done challenge runs, created oodles of memes, and even gone as far as to play it in slightly unconventional ways such as when Lazy Game Reviews hooked up a PC to a black & white television through an HDMI to RF converter:

Playing Cuphead as originally intended, scanlines and all.

The game hasn't just sold a bunch of copies - it's received quite a few awards already (and it's also a nominee in several categories for our own 2017 TechRaptor Awards). It won Best Art Direction, Best Independent Game, and Best Debut Indie Game at The Game Awards. It's also been nominated for Best Soundtrack and the "Even Better Than I Expected" Award for the Steam Awards 2017. It may well clean up equally well at other gaming awards shows such as the 14th British Academy Games Awards which should be taking place around April of next year. It even has gotten popular enough to spawn a short-lived clone on iOS, complete with clone webpage that duplicated the studios.

Cuphead has sold 2 million copies and the developers are positively over the moon about it. Clearly they've done something right with their game and the gaming community bought it in droves. If you'd like to grab a copy of it for yourself, you can buy it on Steam for PC or on the Microsoft Store for the Xbox One & PC. Do be sure to check out our review of the game to see what we thought of it!

What do you think of Cuphead selling 2 million copies? Do you think the game's popularity is deserved? What's your favorite part about the game? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Cuphead
Game Page Cuphead
Studio MDHR
Studio MDHR
Xbox One, PC
Release Date
September 29, 2017 (Calendar)
Purchase (Some links may be affiliated)