Beyond Good and Evil 2 Livestream Shares New World Details

Published: June 5, 2019 3:40 PM /


beyond good and evil 2 factory line

Beyond Good and Evil 2 has been in development for many years, going through development limbo and hell and emerging through it all. At E3 2017, Ubisoft finally managed to share an impressive new trailer for the game. Later that month they shared more details and showcased an in-engine demo. Last May they showed off some ship combat, and later at E3 2018 they shared another cinematic trailer. Since then, the Ubisoft Montpellier studio has enjoyed a close relationship with its fan community through the Space Monkey Program, through which fans may participate as actively as possible in the game's development.

Today's Space Monkey Report #5 stream brought some extra details about the genetically engineered dystopian society that you will explore. Community Developer Charlotte Dubois, accompanied by Narrative Director Gabrielle Schrager, Associate Creative Director Emile Morel, and Senior Producer Guillaume Brunier, were all very eager to discuss details about the game based on concept art, and very happy to engage with the fan community. It's rare to see a group of developers so grateful and appreciative of their fans as these developers are.

First of all, everyone in the world of Beyond Good and Evil 2 is cloned, though we see mostly concept art of the monkeys being cloned. Everyone is a "designer baby," there are no births or parents, the genetic engineering process takes place in labs with tubes, from a skeleton to a molecular level. The hybrid monkeys were given special attention as one of the races that will be slaves to corporations, which, obviously, they're not happy about. The developers frequently mentioned the Diwalite mineral, which will likely play a central role in the game. One of the concept art slides showed a technician monkey going into a kind of cybernetic dungeon oracle in order to become a space pirate.

A brief gameplay glimpse showed the player character riding a gliding bike over a futuristic city, analyzing murals and visual art. A lot of these seem to have been inspired by fan art from the Space Monkeys Program. The developers once again thanked the fans and asked them to keep submitting ideas and thoughts, art, music, anything they feel like sharing.

Finally, there was a bit of a surprise, as Community Developer Charlotte Dubois shared the inclusion of rhinos, such as the ones seen Mammago's Garage in the first game, and they will be a playable race as well. They showed a glimpse of the 3D modeling process to bring the rhinos to life in the game, which looks quite realistic, with great movement animation.

The developers also shared that they are moving to new offices. The game is being worked on by five studios currently, and another studio will join them soon. They hope to share more news as soon as they have situated to their new studio.

It's already been confirmed Beyond Good and Evil 2 won't be at E3 2019, so this seems like the last bit of news on the game that fans can expect for the next few months at least.

What do you think of these new details on Beyond Good and Evil 2? Is the game living up to your expectations? Let us know in the comments below!

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Richard Costa
| Staff Writer

Hack for hire, indentured egghead, maverick thoughtcriminal. Mainly interested in Western RPGs, first-person immersion, turn-based tactics, point-and-… More about Richard

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Beyond Good And Evil 2
Release Date
December 31, 1969 (Calendar)
RPG, Adventure, Action