Alone In The Dark Reboot Info Leaked

An Alone in the Dark reboot is supposedly in the works, and it looks like we might have our first screenshots and info about the game

Published: August 12, 2022 8:05 AM /


Presumably Edward Carnby in a dingy manor in the rumored Alone in the Dark reboot

A new leak has revealed the existence of an upcoming Alone in the Dark reboot. If the leak is to be believed, the game will be a classic survival horror experience once again starring series mainstay Edward Carnby and will also have the involvement of a well-respected gaming writer.

What do we know about this Alone in the Dark reboot?

Over on ResetEra, user Genesius uncovered what appears to be the box art for an upcoming Alone in the Dark reboot simply bearing the name of the franchise and no subtitle. Said listing apparently comes from a Belgian gaming retailer by the name of Smartoys; naturally, there's no listing for the game itself on the site, but screenshots and box art were uncovered via the page's backend, with more shots also discovered by ResetEra user Keyser S. If the leak is to be believed, the Alone in the Dark reboot will be developed by Titan Quest: Atlantis studio Pieces Interactive and will be a return to the series' psychological survival horror roots.

This leak has also been lent some credence by leaker The Snitch, who tweeted "being afraid of the dark is what keeps most of us alive" (a quote from Uwe Boll's godawful 2005 Alone in the Dark movie) earlier this week. Given that The Snitch correctly leaked the entire Sony State of Play presentation back in June, this gives more credibility to the Alone in the Dark reboot being legit.

Edward Carnby aiming at an enemy in the supposed Alone in the Dark reboot
The supposed Alone in the Dark reboot looks like a return to form for the legendary franchise.

According to the leaked description, the Alone in the Dark reboot will allow you to play series regulars Edward Carnby and Emily Hartwood as they travel to a psychiatric asylum in the Deep South during the 1920s. Hartwood's uncle has disappeared, so together, Carnby and Hartwood must discover what happened to him and what's going on in the asylum.

This being Alone in the Dark, naturally, there are lots of spooky goings-on to discover, with the screenshots showing off grisly-looking undead humanoid enemies and strange monsters. Gameplay-wise, it sounds like the Alone in the Dark reboot will be a classic survival horror experience; ammo will be scarce, and you'll have to use your wits to navigate the asylum's many threats. Here's a look at the leaked box art.

The apparent box art, which depicts Edward Carnby and Emily Hartwood, for the upcoming Alone in the Dark reboot

Rather intriguingly, the soundtrack is promising lots of "doom jazz", as well, which sounds like a good fit for a gloomy horror game like this. The game is supposedly being written by Amnesia and Soma scribe Mikael Hedberg, so the story should be pretty solid as well. Pieces Interactive is apparently promising an adventure "worthy of the game that founded the genre [of survival horror]", so if you're a horror fan, it's probably safe to start getting excited.

Of course, in terms of the wider Alone in the Dark series, the reboot has a pretty low bar to clear; the last two games in the series were legendarily terrible, so all this new game has to do is be better than the 2008 title or Illumination and it's already scored a major victory. We'll bring you more as we edge closer to a potential official announcement. There's a THQ Nordic showcase due for 3 pm Eastern today, so there's a good chance the studio will officially announce the game there.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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Game Page Alone in the Dark
Pieces Interactive
THQ Nordic
Release Date
March 20, 2024 (Calendar)
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