Wizards of the Coast Teams Up With Comic Relief To Give Away Epic D&D Adventure

Comic Relief is one of the most popular charity institutions in the UK, and this new partnership with WotC should prove to be even more popular still.

Published: February 18, 2021 2:43 PM /


Wizards of the Coast Dungeons and Dragons Comic Relief Castle Giveaway

Creators of D&D and Magic the Gathering, Wizards of the Coast, have teamed up with charity organization Comic Relief to help raise money for starving children. The new partnership will give birth to a prize draw that gives gamers the chance of winning a huge D&D adventure at Warwick Castle in England. 

Dungeons & Dragons, Wizards of the Coast, and Comic Relief

The partnership between Wizards of the Coast and Comic Relief seems like one made in heaven. Comic Relief is a well-established, UK-based charity that was founded in 1985 in response to the Ethiopian Famine. Each year the charity runs a Red Nose Day event where comedians, entertainers, and people around the country raise money for the charity in comedic ways. 

Wizards of the Coast are offering one hell of an incentive to enter the prize draw too. You'll get a 2-day adventure experience for up to 5 people at Warwick Castle in the UK. The adventure isn't the only thing you'll get either, you also get your own coat of arms, training in archery and sword fighting, and loads of Dungeons & Dragons merchandise for you to take home. Best of all, the adventure in question is from the upcoming Candlekeep Mysteries book written by Mark Hulmes, who will also be leading the adventure. 

Great Fun For Charity

Each entry in the draw will cost you £10, with all the money going directly to helping those in need. You can enter the draw from the 18th of February until the 4th of April 2021, and you can enter as many times as you like. You can also enter the draw for free if you apply by post. 

Check out this webpage for more information on the prize draw. The winner will be announced on April the 7th 2021. 


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