Valheim Update Adds A Midsummer Maypole And More

A new Valheim update has landed, allowing your Vikings to dance merrily around the Midsummer maypole and put flowers in their hair

Published: June 20, 2022 11:06 AM /


A player facing down a troll in Valheim

A new Valheim update has been released, and this one's all about Midsummer. With the solstice just around the corner, Valheim has added a brand new maypole for you to dance around, as well as flower crowns to put in your Viking's hair and lots more.

What's in this Midsummer Valheim update?

Bear in mind that this is a smaller Valheim update; it's not the long-awaited Mistlands patch, which will bring all kinds of content including new mushrooms and buildings. It's still a significant update, though, especially if you like to accessorize your Viking. First up, you're getting a new maypole to build, as well as flower crowns for your Vikings and new Midsummer-inspired banner colors. This is all to commemorate the Midsummer festival, which isn't actually in the middle of summer (it's complicated).

Vikings about to walk through a portal in Valheim
If you want to take a break from hellmouth portals and slaying trolls, the new Valheim update lets you dance around a maypole.

Perhaps even more importantly than this new content, though, the new Valheim update contains a fix for some Steam Cloud issues. If you used multiple accounts on a single PC, you could lose progress, but now, Valheim will save files to different directories, which should fix the issue. Bigger worlds should now sync with the Cloud correctly, and you should also find that World save files can be renamed without issue. You'll also find a couple of other minor fixes, including an update to the game's Unity engine version and changes in the way console commands work. Make sure to take a look at the full Valheim patch notes to see what's changed.

What is Valheim?

If you're new to Valheim, here's the elevator pitch. It's a Viking survival game in which you and potentially a few friends must hunt, gather, and build to survive in the harsh Nordic wilderness of the realm of Valheim. Along the way, you can also take on huge boss battles for the chance to score big rewards, explore the procedurally-generated world around you, and now, dance around a maypole with flowers in your hair. Valheim has crossed the 10 million sales mark, so it's clearly doing something right, although new content is still being added to the game on a regular basis.

A player building their base in Valheim
Valheim isn't all goblin slaughter and pillaging. You can also build yourself a nice longhouse.

You can pick up Valheim right now on Steam, where it's currently in Early Access. The game will set you back $19.99, but for that price, you're also getting all of its future content updates and access to the game when it launches in full. If you're new to the Tenth Realm, make sure to take a look at the TechRaptor Valheim guide hub, where you'll find info on everything from crafting to combat and how to defeat some of the game's toughest bosses. We'll bring you more on Valheim as soon as we get it.

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| Senior Writer

Joe has been writing for TechRaptor for five years, and in those five years has learned a lot about the gaming industry and its foibles. He’s originally an… More about Joseph

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Iron Gate
Release Date
February 2, 2021 (Calendar)
Survival, RPG, Indie
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