Sea of Thieves Update Heart of Fire Adds New Tall Tale, Weapons, and More

Published: March 12, 2020 3:22 PM /


Sea of Thieves

Developer Rare revealed this month's Sea of Thieves free content update, the Heart of FireThe monthly content strategy kicked off in August 2019, and Sea of Thieves regularly received its dose of free updates every month ever since.

The latest update brings a new chapter to Tall Tale, picking up where the story left off at The Seabound Soul. Players will have to assemble their strongest crew to unravel what Captain Flameheart is up to with his dark rituals, and Stitcher Jim going deep into The Devil’s Roar and he is never up to any good.

The Sea of Thieves: Heart of Fire brings the new Athena’s Run Voyage, only available for Legends to directly purchase entry while non-Legends have to be part of their crew to have a chance to participate. You will face off against other crews to find the Thieves’ Haven, and once you do, you can redeem it for gold and Athena’s Fortune reputation.

Last but not least, Sea of Thieves will see two new weaponary items added to its arsenal, namely the Chainshot ammunition and Blunderbomb. The latter resembles a blunderboss shot bundled into a throwable grenade. While on the other hand, the Chainshot brings new ammunition for ship cannons to fire at each other across the open ocean. It features "two smaller cannonballs connected by a chain." The following is a brief description of each.

Chainshot is a new ammunition type for ship cannons – essentially two smaller cannonballs connected by a chain. Chainshot doesn’t penetrate a hull as well as a regular cannonball, but it can wreck a mast, capstan or wheel in one hit! 

If you’re craving something for closer combat, the new Blunderbomb is a throwable weapon that explodes in a fashion similar to the blunderbuss shot, dealing damage and knocking enemies back.

Make sure to check out the Sea of Thieves: Heart of Fire content update trailer below, giving players a sneak peak on the content added to the title.

Sea of Thieves is available on PC and Xbox One, and the Heart of Fire update is currently available for download on both platforms.

What do you think of the Sea of Thieves Heart of Fire update? Are you still playing Sea of Thieves? Let us know in the comments below!

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Release Date
March 20, 2018 (Calendar)
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