Sea of Thieves Update Crews of Rage Brings Molten Mayhem to Players

Published: February 19, 2020 2:39 PM /


Sea of Thieves Crews of Rage cover

The Sea of Thieves update Crews of Rage has arrived!

Check out the newly released Crews of Rage: Official Sea of Thieves Content Update trailer to get a feel for the new goodies on the way:

This brand-new update to Rare's adventure on the high seas adds a particularly fiery proposition for players to explore. A "hot-headed" Skeleton Lord has made his return, and it's quite literally setting the world on fire.

Now, this new batch of content gives players more cool stuff to unlock, new enemies to fight, and a brand new hotspot to wage war in!

Sea of Thieves Crews of Rage fire

What's New in the Sea of Thieves Update Crews of Rage?

Several new additions are making their way into the game. Here's a quick breakdown of what's been listed on the game's official website.

Duke's Bounty Voyages

Duke has some new Bounty Voyages available! These will send you to The Devil's Roar to acquire brand-new Chests of Rage.

The Molten Sands Fortress

The Molten Sands Fortress has come to life with the return of Captain Flameheart. The other Forts have gone cold (literally!) as the skeletons all head to this brand new hotspot. Players can look forward to getting Chests of Rage and Commendations for fighting and winning here.

Tomes of Resurrection

Bibliophiles get to enjoy a new series of infernal texts. Taking these books to Duke will let you unlock new cosmetics!

Chests of Rage

This new kind of Cursed Chest can be uncovered in Bounty Voyages and the Molten Sands Fortress. Players now have the option to take these chests to The Reaper's Hideout instead, doubling their payday while losing any reputation boost.

Ashen Skeletons

This new class of skeleton has a resistance to burn damage, which kind of makes sense on account of the whole "fire" thing this update has going on.

More New Items

New items have been added to the Pirate's Emporium and the Black Market.

You can see pictures of the shiny new items on the official website for the Sea of Thieves Crews of Rage update. If you don't yet already own the game, you can pick it up for PC and Xbox One at the price of $49.99 or your regional equivalent at the Microsoft Store. Alternatively, you can get Sea of Thieves as part of Xbox Game Pass.

What do you think of the Sea of Thieves Crews of Rage Update? Have you been happy with the pace of new content thus far? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
| Senior Writer

One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

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Game Page Sea of Thieves
Microsoft Studios
Release Date
March 20, 2018 (Calendar)
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