My Hero One's Justice 2 Announced, Coming Next Year

Published: October 4, 2019 12:28 AM /


one's justice 2

Bandai Namco officially announced My Hero One's Justice 2 at New York Comic Con this week, after teasing its existence a few days earlier. The announcement comes less than a year after the release of the first My Hero One's Justice game. One's Justice 2 looks to be largely similar to its predecessor, though it does come with a few changes. Still a 3D arena fighter, One's Justice 2 is adding at least six new characters, as well as "new stages and stories from the anime series," along with gameplay improvements. My Hero One's Justice 2 is set to launch next year for the PS4, Switch, PC and Xbox One.

The six new characters (so far) confirmed by Bandai Namco are:

  • Kai Chisaki (Overhaul)
  • Mirio Togata (Lemillion)
  • Tamaki Amajiki (Suneater)
  • Nejire Hado (Nejire-chan)
  • Mina Ashido (Pinky)
  • Minoru Mineta (Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Juice)

Based on the hit anime and manga series, My Hero One's Justice 2 sees the return of the cast of heroes and villains in a 3D arena fighter space. With each character joined by sidekicks and packed full of customizable accessories, each fighter bears their trademark Quirk, or special ability. By building up your "Plus Ultra" meter, the combatants can unleash their devastating power. Toting a comic book visual style and obviously inspired by super sentai and American superheroes, My Hero Academia has seen incredible popularity in the few years since its release, selling over 20 million manga volumes as of late last year.

If you're wondering why Bandai Namco would push a new One's Justice game so soon after the first came out, then look no further than the anime release schedule. With the fourth season of My Hero Academia delayed until October of this year, with a second anime film set to come out in December, and a live-action adaptation in the works, releasing an entirely new game may be a sly move, but capitalizing on the popularity isn't. Also, it would be remiss to not also mention that the first My Hero One's Justice is effectively dead on PC, with just 21 active players as of writing. Still, here's to hoping the new release reinvigorates the community. My Hero One's Justice 2 releases sometime next year.

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Kyle Johnson
| Japanese Gaming Specialist

Professional painter. Semi-professional weeb. I've played hundreds of games, but finished very few. I speak Chinese and Minnesotan.

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