Medieval Dynasty Update 3 Introduces Alcohol and New Building Types

Medieval Dynasty's latest major update includes new features, mechanics, updates, fixes, and more.

Published: March 11, 2021 10:12 AM /


Medieval Dynasty

Medieval Dynasty update 3 has introduced new features, mechanics, updates, fixes, and more. This means things like new building types, professions, and products are part of the new update.

Alcohol production is part of this patch, which makes sense considering how important it was back in the day. Unlike today, clean water was not a guaranteed thing for many parts of the world, so having the option of being able to plant Orchards and plant apple trees, cherries, plums, hops, and more in Medieval Dynasty makes perfect sense. Once the plants bear fruit, you'll be able to pick them and create beer, wine, ciders, and juice. You can keep the alcohol to yourself and have a fun time, or sell the alcohol and make a profit... which you can use to buy alcohol, thus completing the circle of medieval life.

There's also beekeeping if you want a different way of getting a buzz. Players will be able to build Apiaries in their village, which is a "dedicated place for your beehives and your honeybees." Players will be able to create honey, which can then be used to create honeycomb and mead.

Bee Keeper
Honey, I shrunk the kids!

A building that's also been added is the Workshop, where the player and skilled craftsmen can make and create things from Brewing Stations, Wine Barrels, and clay pots and bottles through the use of the Pottery Wheel. You can also use the Juice Press to create non-alcoholic juice.

New food is also available for you and your people, which includes porridges, tarts, rolls, eggs, and soups. There are also eight new talents for Farming, Extraction, Survival, Hunting, and Diplomacy to mull over as well. There are new animations and the building limit has also been increased if you've found that your village still needs to expand further.

For more information on Medieval Dynasty, be sure to check out the patch notes here. For more information on Medieval Dynasty as it continues to get patched, stay tuned to TechRaptor for more details.

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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September 23, 2021 (Calendar)
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