Insurgency: Sandstorm Delayed Until December 12

New World Interactive, the developers of Insurgency: Sandstorm, have announced a delay from September 18 to December 12 for their in-development title.

Published: September 12, 2018 10:15 AM /


Insurgency: Sandstorm delay

Today, New World Interactive, the developers of Insurgency: Sandstorm, have announced a delay from September 18 to December 12 for their in-development title. The Preorder Beta will continue until the game's final release.

Despite the game’s improvement, we are acutely aware that not all of you are having the ideal experience we want to deliver. By extending the beta and moving our launch date to December, the additional time will allow us to make significant improvements to the game with continued input from you. The additional time allows us to target a lower minimum system requirementaddress more bugswork on overall polishgather additional feedback from the community to refine gameplay, and ensure that highly requested community features which may otherwise have had to be added post launch (such as community servers and custom games) are ready for day 1.

This is in the wake of feedback from the Preorder Beta 2 that has reached the development team. Despite having released two hotfixes over the Beta's first weekend and a patch last Thursday, New World Interactive do not feel that the game is quite there yet. So, in the lead up to the new launch date, they plan on upgrading to Unreal Engine 4.20 and continue optimization while improving character models, textures, and animations in the game. Visuals, cosmetics, scope settings, in-game server options, and further refining are in the developer's future plans.

This isn't the first time that Insurgency: Sandstorm has run into development issues. Back in January, the game's planned single-player and co-op modes were canceled. At the time, the team cited wanting to focus on the game's multiplayer and hitting a 2018 release date as the reasons for the change.

The 10% preorder discount remains in effect until the new release date. In addition, pre-purchasers will continue to have instant access to the beta. Those who own the original Insurgency will be able to use a 'loyalty' discount until the end of March 2019.

What do you think of this news? Are you playing the beta or looking to purchase this game? Let us know in the comments!

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Insurgency: Sandstorm
Release Date
December 12, 2018 (Calendar)