Green Hell Spirits of Amazonia 3 Update Delayed

The Green Hell Spirits of Amazonia 3 has been delayed to give developer Creepy Jar more time to work on this new piece of survival game content.

Published: September 21, 2021 1:57 PM /


Green Hell Spirits of Amazonia 3 Delayed cover

Creepy Jar has some bad news for fans of running around in the jungle: The Green Hell Spirits of Amazonia 3 has been delayed for the company's flagship survival crafting game.

Green Hell drops players in the Amazonian rainforest without much in the way of tools. The core gameplay has been more or less finished and Creepy Jar has been focusing on building out new content as detailed in its roadmap.

Part of this new content is the "Spirits of Amazonia" game mode which has turned out to be a pretty interesting experience for new players and veterans alike. Unfortunately, the Green Hell Spirits of Amazonia 3 Update has been delayed.

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Why the Green Hell Spirits of Amazonia 3 Update Was Delayed

The Green Hell Spirits of Amazonia 3 Update was delayed for a reason that we've heard about a hundred times in the last year: Creepy Jar simply needs more time to develop the content.

"We know you're eagerly waiting for another chapter of Jake's journey and we're thrilled to share it with you," read a Steam Community announcement from the developers. "The Spirits of Amazonia Part 3 will be the last and biggest part of the expansion, providing closure to this story. We strive to create new, immersive, and high-quality content for you to enjoy alongside updates and improvements to the present state of the game. The number of changes and additions needed demands more development time than we anticipated and we will be postponing the release of The Spirits of Amazonia Part 3 to an undetermined date in an effort to make it the best it can be."

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When is the Green Hell Spirits of Amazonia 3 Release Date?

Unfortunately, Creepy Jar has not yet announced a specific Green Hill Spirits of Amazonia 3 release date -- the launch has been pushed back to "an undetermined date" in the future.

For now, there's still plenty of fun to be had running around in the Amazon with this great survival game. You can buy Green Hell for PC and consoles at the price of $24.99 or your regional equivalent via its official website. You can also get the game at a 30% discount on Steam for the next week.

Are you disappointed to hear that the Green Hill Spirits of Amazonia 3 release date has been delayed? What do you think of Spirits of Amazonia thus far? Let us know in the comments below!

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A photograph of TechRaptor Senior Writer Robert N. Adams.
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One of my earliest memories is playing Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. I've had a controller in my hand since I was 4 and I… More about Robert N

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Green Hell
Game Page Green Hell
Creepy Jar
Creepy Jar
Release Date
September 5, 2019 (Calendar)
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