Goat of the Year: Goat Simulator Goes MMO

Published: November 17, 2014 12:45 PM /



Goat lovers rejoice: for the next patch of Goat Simulator has been announced... and it is going to be massive.

Goat Simulator's proud tradition of being literally insane continues, as the next patch after over six months of development has been unveiled. The 'expansion' promises quests, enemies, NPC's, queue times, classes, levels, and everything else you would expect from the premier Goat MMO Simulator.

Resisting the urge to goat around and litter this post with puns (too late!) this looks like to be an amusing diversion for those who were looking for more to do in the April Fools joke turned indie hit.

As in all MMORPG's there must be some form of war, and Goat MMO Simulator is no different. The arbitrary faction warfare features fighting between goats and sheep, along with even dwarves and elves from 'that movie' that you may have heard of. Something something Hob something...

The 'expansion' is completely free, which is to be expected, although Coffee Stain Studios warns that there "prolly won't be a lot of content, but don't hate be cool."

Daww its tongue is hanging out...


For those who are literally unable to wait for more information the clear Goat of the Year (GOTY) than check out the features blurb below, along with the trailer that just so happens to be below that.


  • Five different classes: Warrior, Rouge, Magician, Hunter and Microwave
  • Complete dozens of quests, level up a hundred times and play five different classes that’s a ton of content you do the math, we all went to high-school well I didn’t I was too busy huffing paint behind the cafeteria
  • Level cap is 101, 1 level higher than you-know-what
  • Prolly not tons of content tho, but don’t hate be cool
  • Stay a while and listen to Dumblebore the Grey in Twistram
  • Faction warfare between goats and sheep
  • MMO simulation so good you’ll think it’s real.
  • There are even elves and dwarves like in that movie
The patch will also arrive on November 20th... literally three days from now. Pregoat yourselves.

Stay tuned to TechRaptor for more details.

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

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Game Page Goat Simulator
Release Date
April 1, 2014 (Calendar)
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