EA E3 2017 - Battlefield 1: In the Name of the Tsar

Published: June 10, 2017 4:16 PM /


Battlefield 1 women battlation death header

Right in the middle of EA play, producer of Battlefield 1 Andrew Gulotta began showering the praise of Battlefield 1.

The first part of the video showcased tons of online streams of constructed mayhem, all driven by fan-made videos and interviews. The entire battlefield community expressed their love for the game, smack dab in the middle of guns and explosions.

After the fan-service, Gulotta showed off new content for Battlefield 1. The first was new night maps in the base game. The second is the announcement of the new DLC expansion with In the Name of the Tsar, which takes place in the Eastern Front of World War I.

This opens up four new maps in total, the first of which will be displayed during EA Play during E3, Lupkow Pass. The other maps include Brusilov Keep, Albion and Galicia, along with two more maps coming in the future. In addition to the maps, a new game mode, supply drop, will be introduced to Battlefield 1, which will see planes air-dropping supplies onto the battlefield for players to pick up as they go.


Players will also get new multi-battle experiences and missions, new objectives to encounter, 11 new weapons and Russian-made vehicles and the playable Russian Federation faction, highlighting the famous women's Battalion of Death as playable characters and the Russian Hussar cavalry.

Patrick Söderlund then took the stage, and promised more team and tiered play for Battlefield 1 as well.

Those who have purchased the Battlefield 1 Premium pass will get early access to In the Name of the Tsar, including all of the maps, weapons and other content that was announced for the title.

In the Name of the Tsar is scheduled for release in September of this year.

What are your thoughts on In the Name of the Tsar? Is it a worthy expansion for Battlefield 1? Leave your comments below and be sure to check out more at our E3 coverage Hub.

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A longtime player of games, creator of worlds, and teacher of minds. Robert has worked many positions over the years, from college professor to education… More about Robert

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Battlefield 1
Game Page Battlefield 1
Electronic Arts
Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC
Release Date
October 21, 2016 (Calendar)
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