Crysis Remastered Release Date Leaked By Microsoft

Published: June 30, 2020 9:12 AM /


Crysis Remastered

After months of speculation, it appears that the Crysis Remastered release date will be July 23, 2020... at least if this listing is enough to go by.

Crysis Remastered is the remastered version of Crysis, the game that came out in 2007 and continues to melt PCs to this day. That's all it really was to most people--a beautiful benchmark that was years ahead of its time, but enough appreciated the game to give it two sequels and a remaster, which will support HDR10, 4K resolution, and of course, it's single player mode.

In the single player mode, players will be able to use a nanosuit, which allows players to adapt for nearly all of the situations they'll find themselves in. Starting on a North Korean island chain, the player will initially fight North Koreans before moving on to fight aliens, which seems fitting considering how Sci-Fi'ish the suit is.

It also got great reviews for its time, so if nothing else it should be a fun little romp for those who want a decent FPS to fry their computer

If you have a hankering to play Crysis now (because even 13 years later it's still beautiful) then definitely check out the Crysis series on Steam, where the first title is $4.99 (75% off), Crysis 2 - Maximum Edition is $7.49 (75% off), and Crysis 3 is $13.19 (67% off). So, overall it's all for around $25. Not too shabby if you're a fan of creative first-person shooters like the Crysis series.

But if you have already played through the series or are otherwise uninterested, the Crysis Remastered release date will be July 23, with an upcoming trailer seemingly confirming this notion on July 1.

What do you think of this news? Are you excited to see the Crysis series come back in some form? Or are you just waiting for Crysis 4? Let us know in the comments!

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A very unflattering picture of my tired face.
| Staff Writer

Patrick is a former Staff Writer for TechRaptor and has been gaming on every console he could get since he could hold a controller. He’s been writing for… More about Patrick

More Info About This Game
Learn More About Crysis
Game Page Crysis
Electronic Arts
Release Date
November 13, 2007 (Calendar)
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