The Last of Us Part 2 Safe Combination Guides

Last Update: June 25, 2020 12:46 PM /


Last of Us Part 2 Safe Guide Preview Image

As you dive deep into The Last of Us Part 2 and begin uncovering the many locations of Seattle, you're bound to run into a safe or two. If you explore the area hunting for clues and numbers you'll normally be able to piece together what the code for the safe should be but sometimes you just don't have the patience for that.

This guide will go over all of the safes that you can encounter split up by areas. I'll also be highlighting where you can find the safe combination before revealing what the code is in case you still want to seek it out for yourself but need a bit of a hint. There are 14 safes to unlock during the game.

Keep in mind though if you skip too far ahead some plot details may be spoiled for you, you have been warned!

Jackson Safes (1 Total)

How to find the safe: Head into your first infected area Ellie will place a mask over her face. From here, head through the door to your right and the safe will be immediately in front of you.

How to find the combination: To the right of the safe on the table is a "Good Boy Combo Artifact." From here double back into the hallway and look for the dog on the wall of Employees of the Month and check the date.

The combination: 07-20-13


Seattle Day 1 Safes (4 Total)


How to find the safe: Head into the City Hall building on Cherry and 6th. You'll fight some infected and end up in a bank vault with a very large safe.

How to find the combination: In the room of safety deposit boxes there is a document called "Bank Heist Plans."

The combination: 60-23-06


Last of Us Part 2 Safe Guide Bank
I'd be impressed if you missed it...

How to find the safe: Through normal story progression, as you head into the courthouse stop before you go down the elevator. To the right, there is a window you can smash and jump through. The safe is under the table you hopped over.

How to find the combination: On the room's whiteboard the code is written.

The combination: 86-07-22


How to find the safe: Travel along Madison Street to get to the West 2 Checkpoint. 

How to find the combination: On Madison and 6th, you can walk up some stairs and around to the left to get the "WLF Community Supply Chest" document. This states the safe combination is the same as the West 2 gate code. You should have this information from a previous story-related document.

The combination: 04-51


Capitol Hill

How to find the safe: Through story progression, you'll go through a thrift store. Inside there's a room with an infected and the safe.

How to find the combination: In a previous room of the thrift shop there's a corkboard with the "Thrift Store Reminder" document.

The combination: 55-01-33

Seattle Day 2 Safes (3 Total)


How to find the safe: In the street before you, head into the pet shop and you'll see Velvet Tattoo. Pass through this business and out the back door and to the right is an old auto shop. Move the dumpster blocking the door and make sure to have a Molotov ready as when you open the door you'll immediately be faced by infected. Inside this room is the safe.

How to find the combination: Through story progression, you'll make your way from a pet shop into a bar. You'll encounter infected here. In the backroom of the bar, you passed through on the wall will be "Dale's Combo" document on the wall.

The combination: 30-82-65

Last of Us Part 2 Safe Guide Auto Shop
Don't Dead Open Inside

The Seraphites

How to find the safe: Later in the chapter, there will be a locked apartment building on your right. If you follow the building around to the right there is a place to get inside. Once in this apartment, you'll find the safe in a closet. 

How to find the combination: On the kitchen table is an "Evacuation Letter" document that states the safe combination is their wedding anniversary. Inside the bedroom is a calendar on the wall stating the 30th anniversary is 10/08/13.

The combination: 10-08-83


How to find the safe: Through story progression, you'll come by Weston Pharmacy. As you head into this store on your left will be a crawl space. Inside the safe is right in front of you.

How to find the combination: Earlier in the pharmacy the combination is behind the counter written on the "Pharmacy Note" document.

The combination: 38-55-23

Seattle Day 3 Safes (1 Total)

Last of Us Part 2 Safe Guide Boat Safe
Ammo might be a bit soggy, but it's still good

How to find the safe: After you get off your boat before you pull up the gate to continue, you can explore the building. Making your way to the top of the stairs and heading to the right, you can move a box to reveal a crawl space. The safe is through here.

How to find the combination: At the top of the stairs if you head to the left you'll find a dead man with a "Stash Note" document.

The combination: 70-12-64


Warning: If you do not wish to have late game story elements spoiled do not continue past this line until you've completed Seattle Day 3.

Seattle Day 1 Safes (3 Total)

How to find the safe: After you make your way through the trailer head into the MS Corporation building. Walk to the side of the building that looks out at train tracks go through a hole in the wall. The safe will be to your left.

How to find the combination: In the trailer, the "WLF Gun Cache" document will direct you to find the numbers for the big win. This is a reference to the circled numbers on the lottery ticket on the computer desk.

The combination: 17-38-07


How to find the safe: When you enter the ground floor of the Jasmine Bakers through a broken window you'll find the safe at the back of the counter.

How to find the combination: Enter into the Ruby Dragon and head up the stairs. After clearing out the clickers and jumping across the street you'll find the "Jasmine Bakery Safe" document.

The combination: 68-96-89


How to find the safe: Later in the chapter you'll end up on a wrecked cruise ship. When you reach the top level the room with the safe will be immediately to your left.

How to find the combination: When you reached the second floor of the wrecked cruise ship you'll get the crossbow. Advance to the end of the hall and there will be a "Mutiny Note" document with the code.

The combination: 90-77-01


Seattle Day 2 Safes (2 Total)

How to find the safe: Once you enter the apartment with the tabletop RPG laid out on the table, head into the room on the right to see the safe.

How to find the combination: On the table in the entry room is a "Neighbor Exchange" document with a clue to the combination.

The combination: 30-23-04

Last of Us Part 2 Safe Guide DnD House
I roll for lockpicking tools.

How to find the safe: After coming out of the poolb head through the gym area and to a door behind the reception. The safe will be in here.

How to find the combination: In the back of the Orchards juice bar is a "Gym Safe Combo" document that will point out that the Wi-Fi code is the safe combination. The gym area has a Wi-Fi code on the wall.

The combination: 12-18-79


You should now not only have gotten all of the extra help from inside the Silver Safecracker Trophy will have also unlocked.

Were there any safes in The Last of Us Part 2 that you missed? Which of the clues was your favorite to solve? 

Have a tip, or want to point out something we missed? Leave a Comment or e-mail us at

Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew

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