All Articles about Indiegogo


Charity Launches Kickstarter for Undertale Book

The video game community is never one to back down from a righteous cause and the opportunity to help others. That is the philosophy of Gamers for Good, a gaming centered charity who just launched an…

October 19, 2016 | 08:35 EDT

Paypal Logo

PayPal to end payment protection for crowdfunders

Today, PayPal has announced that as of June 26th, 2016, they would no longer be offering payment protection for crowdfunding campaigns, labeling them as "ineligible... [for] Purchase Protection..."…

May 10, 2016 | 09:01 EDT

ThermalTech Preview

ThermalTech's New Wearable Solar Clothes

Today, ThermalTech has announced their revolutionary solar powered smart fabric. This patented smart fabric will gather energy from the Sun to keep your temperature warm even after the sunlight has…

January 27, 2016 | 08:00 EST

Indivisible Character Shot

Indivisible Prototype Added to Steam

Today Skullgirls developer Lab Zero uploaded a prototype of their action RPG Indivisible to Steam. The prototype has been readily available since October 5th outside of the popular distribution…

November 24, 2015 | 11:42 EST

Indivisible Character Shot

Lab Zero Games Launches IndieGoGo Campaign for RPG Indivisible

Lab Zero Games, famous for Skullgirls (which is currently part of the Humble Indie Bundle 15), has now launched an Indiegogo campaign to help fund their newest creation in Indivisible. Pairing up…

October 5, 2015 | 05:38 EDT

Them's Fighting Herds Logo

My Little Pony Influenced Fighter Them's Fightin Herds Launches Indie Go-Go Campaign

Yes, you read that title correctly. Lauren Faust, creator of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, has teamed up with Mane6 to launch an IndieGoGo Campaign for the new project Them's Fightin Herds.…

September 23, 2015 | 01:05 EDT


Skullgirls Developers Apologize to Linux Gaming Community, Showcases Port Progress

Hey! Do you remember that Skullgirls Encore Indiegogo campaign from a while back? Lab Zero - Skullgirl's dev team - put it up back in early 2013 in a hopes to secure funding for a PC port of the game…

January 5, 2015 | 08:40 EST

Kickstarter Logo

IMO: The Ring, Kickstarter and Too Good to be True

In the last couple of days you might have heard about the "Ring" by Logbar. It was supposed to be a bluetooth ring that could charge wirelessly and control anything with gestures from your finger,…

December 9, 2014 | 03:00 EST

Kickstarter Logo

This Week in Crowdfunding: 10/03/2014

Welcome to This Week in Crowdfunding: a roundup of promising and/or interesting Kickstarter and Indiegogo projects that are currently underway. Crowdfunding has exploded in recent years, drawing…

October 3, 2014 | 11:00 EDT