All Articles about Cryptocurrency

The character General Theodore in a heroic pose in Ubisoft's NFT game Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles

Ubisoft's Year of Turmoil Continues With Weird NFT Game Launch

Ubisoft has quietly released an NFT game by the unfortunate name of Champions Tactics: Grimoria Chronicles. Yes, you read that right, and no, you haven't blacked out and woken up in the year 2022.…

October 30, 2024 | 09:54 EDT

The Midnight crypto developer logo over a backdrop of some art from one of its games, possibly

New Crypto Dev Has Some, Uh, Ambitious Plans

Another day, another new developer convinced it can solve the impossible problem of making NFT games fun. Midnight is a new blockchain-based dev led by some of the industry's "most commercially…

November 30, 2022 | 10:41 EST

A sinister-looking computer with a smiley face on its screen from a recent Minecraft video, intended to represent the Minecraft NFT game coming soon

Minecraft NFT Version Of OP Prison Coming Soon

Minecraft may have made its stance on NFTs pretty clear, but that isn't stopping the release of a new Minecraft NFT game. Minecraft OP Prison is a collaboration between official partner Meraki and…

September 30, 2022 | 12:24 EDT

A player and their monster looking out onto the horizon in Kickstarted Pokemon-style MMO Untamed Isles

Kickstarted Pokemon-Like Crypto MMO On Hiatus After Crypto Crash

In today's installment of "Web3 is going great: gaming edition", consider the case of Untamed Isles. The Kickstarted Pokemon-style creature-catching crypto MMO has paused development indefinitely…

August 16, 2022 | 12:00 EDT

Doge Trader Gameplay Screenshot

Doge Trader is a Hilarious Yet Irreverent Look at Cryptocurrency

Prepare yourselves, as you will be able to embody the most iconic and hilarious meme Doge known around the globe in Doge Trader, an upcoming interactive simulation game that allows the player to take…

July 26, 2022 | 04:45 EDT

A battle between Embaval and Sandril in Coromon

Fake Coromon NFTs Are Yet Another Blockchain Scam

If you've seen some Coromon NFTs being advertised on social media in the last few days, you might think that publisher Freedom Games has joined the NFT grift. This isn't the case, however; it's all…

July 21, 2022 | 12:29 EDT

A player capturing a point in Fault: Elder Orb

Fault: Elder Orb Is A Blockchain Game Somehow Allowed On Steam

Third-person MOBA Fault: Elder Orb is going free-to-play, and its new economic system includes blockchain technology. However, owing to a technicality, the game is still on Steam, despite Valve's…

July 19, 2022 | 09:59 EDT

Characters looking out over a beautiful planetary vista in No Man's Sky

Fans Create No Man's Sky Cryptocurrency That Doesn't Suck

A group of enterprising players have created a No Man's Sky cryptocurrency, but don't worry: it isn't terrible. The Hub Coin currency is intended to give players something to do at endgame; it's…

July 1, 2022 | 12:17 EDT

Fortnite Token Token Epic Games Store Tim Sweeney cover

Fortnite Token is a 'Scam,' Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney Says

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney has called Fortnite Token a "scam," further stating that there isn't any officially-sanctioned Fortnite cryptocurrency available on the market. Fortnite is one…

June 7, 2022 | 02:18 EDT

Mega Man Artist Keiji Inafune Beastroid NFT project cover

Mega Man Artist Keiji Inafune Creating 'Beastroid' NFT Collection

Longtime Mega Man artist and producer (and Mighty No. 9 creator) Keiji Inafune has revealed his next project: Beastroid, an NFT collection that will be minted in Q2 2022. Keiji Inafune…

May 17, 2022 | 04:21 EDT

Eve Online Blockchain Cryptocurrency cover

Eve Online Has 'No Plans' for Blockchain or Crypto

CCP Games CEO Hilmar Veigar Pétursson has said that there are "no plans" for EVE Online to implement blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, or NFTs anytime soon. EVE Online is an MMORPG…

April 11, 2022 | 02:45 EDT

A shot of Wizardry 6, but not of the new Wizardry blockchain game that has been announced

Classic RPG Series Wizardry Is Getting A Blockchain Game

If you're a fan of the classic Wizardry fantasy RPG series, you might be wondering what's happened to the franchise and where it's going next. Well, wonder no more, as a new Wizardry blockchain game…

March 30, 2022 | 10:57 EDT

A card battle in progress in Storybook Brawl

Storybook Brawl Review Bombed After Crypto Firm Buys Dev

A Storybook Brawl review bomb is underway after the game's developer, Good Luck Games, was acquired by cryptocurrency company FTX. The game is otherwise sitting at a "very positive" rating, but most…

March 23, 2022 | 10:46 EDT

Norton Crypto

Heads Up: Norton 360 Now Includes A Crypto Miner

If you're a gamer that uses Norton 360 on your PC - you may want to check and see if your computer is now mining Ethereum when it's idle. Popular Antivirus / security software Norton 360 can enable…

January 6, 2022 | 07:10 EST

An Intel chip against a background of circuitry

Limiting Crypto Mining "Not A Priority" For Intel

Intel has confirmed that its upcoming Arc graphics cards won't feature any kind of cryptocurrency mining limiter tech. The company says the GPUs aren't being built to specifically target miners, but…

October 12, 2021 | 09:49 EDT

Tontachi AR Interview Crypto Ethereum ETH cover

Tontachi Takes Virtual Pet Games to the Next Level

Virtual pets got their start in the '90s, and Tamagotchi further popularized these games. We may soon enter a new era in the genre with Tontachi, the next project from Urban Electronic Games. …

August 27, 2021 | 12:00 EDT

Games by Sega, Atari, Square Enix, and Richard La Ruina, all of whom have investigated or sold gaming NFTs

IGDA Calls For Halt In Unnecessary Gaming NFTs

The IGDA (International Game Developers Association) has called for an end to the use of gaming NFTs wherever possible. According to the assocation, gaming NFTs have a detrimental impact on the…

July 20, 2021 | 11:44 EDT

Ukranian Bot Farm PlayStation 4s

The Ukranian PS4 Cryptocurrency Farm Was Actually Botting FIFA

Last week, TechRaptor reported on the bust of a Ukranian bot operation that was using nearly four-thousand Sony PlayStation 4s as cryptocurrency miners. Though the Ukranian government did not…

July 18, 2021 | 09:37 EDT

An ecological wasteland from one of the earlier Sonic games SEGA made.

Sega NFTs Are Coming From a New Collaboration

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are a relatively new concept that allows someone to own a unique copy of a digital asset through a variety of means. Sega NFTs are coming as the company is now getting…

April 27, 2021 | 12:12 EDT

Atari Cryptocurrency.

Atari Casino Coming Soon Using Cryptocurrency

Atari has launched their Atari casino website, which will utilize their own cryptocurrency for people to play online. This cannot possibly go wrong. Alright, so I bet you have at least one question…

April 3, 2020 | 10:52 EDT


SteamWatch - Game Developer Feuds With Several YouTubers And Threatens Legal Action

The head of the indie video game company LaserChain LLC has recently sent legal threats and a copyright violation notice to YouTube regarding a small YouTuber's video criticizing LaserChain LLC's…

September 6, 2018 | 02:30 EDT

steam app background

Steam Game Accused of Scamming Players; Crypto Mining

A Steam game has been accused of scamming its players and implementing malware onto their computers, according to several charges from prominent YouTube channels, installing Cryptocurrency mining…

July 30, 2018 | 03:01 EDT


Brian Fargo’s Robot Cache Teams Up With WAX Token

Brian Fargo is launching a decentralized digital distribution platform to compete with Steam. The platform is called Robot Cache, who announced via press release that they are teaming up with the…

January 30, 2018 | 12:00 EST

Electricity Power Wire Towers

Cryptocurrency Mining Uses More Power Than A Country of 17 Million

Cryptocurrency mining consumes more electricity than a country with a population of 17 million as reported by TechPowerUp. For those not in the know, cryptocurrency mining is a process that generates…

July 8, 2017 | 04:00 EDT

Coinbase Launched

Coinbase Launched as First Licensed Bitcoin Exchange

Coinbase, a cryptocurrency startup based in San Francisco, has launched a licensed bitcoin exchange in the United States. Coinbase has claimed that this new exchange is the first compliant to U.S…

January 26, 2015 | 06:03 EST

The Bitcoin logo against a black backdrop

Bitcoin Plummets in Value in the Wake of Recent Disasters

It seems Bitcoin has been off to a rocky start this year. Earlier in the month, TechRaptor reported on a major Bitcoin Exchange getting hacked. Now panicked Bitcoin holders are selling, causing the…

January 16, 2015 | 04:29 EST