At least Vine's lifespan lasted a lot longer than 7 seconds. Twitter and Vine announced today in a post that in the next coming months, there will no longer be a mobile app for the popular social entertainment community.
This may not be a surprise for those following the company, as after being a hot platform for 3 solid years, reports began to surface that Vine was really starting to struggle. This isn't helped by Twitter's struggles in recent history, who bought the service 6 months after Vine's launch. Sadly, despite one of their most recent tweets being about leaving a light on, it looks like the flame is going to extinguish for this entertainment platform.
As for Vines that are present on the site right now, nothing will be happening with them, or the apps and the website as of today. In the medium post, Vine stated that: "We Value you, your vines, and are going to do this the right way. You'll be able to access and download your Vines. We'll be keeping the website online because we think it's important to still be able to watch all the incredible Vines that have been made." They went on to say that when it does come time to make changes to the app or the website, the community will be informed when that happens. In addition, they went on to say that they will be working with creators to answer their questions. This could be devastating for those who have made a living off the popular entertainment site. As according to co-founder Rob Fishman, Viners could have made up to $50,000 for ad companies in 2014.
But the tone of the post makes it quite clear that Vine may not have a bright future, as Vine thanked its creators for their contributions, and thanked the viewers for coming and watching the service over the last several years. While nothing will change right away, it's clear that Vine is getting ready to leave given the statements.