Slack for Windows Phone

Slack Beta for Windows Phone now available

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Published: September 8, 2015 5:21 PM

Slack, a popular team management and messaging system, has just released an app for Windows Phone. Slack Beta for Windows Phone is adding to all of the currently available ways of accessing Slack such as via Mac and Windows desktop apps, iOS and Android apps and through a web browser.

While the app is in Beta don't be discouraged if you think that this will be a bare bones version of Slack as a lot of the features that you would use in your usual day to day slack usage is supported. After logging in you instantly see the last channel that you were active on and from here you can either swipe right or click on the three lines in the top left hand of the screen to bring up the list of channels and direct messages that you are participating in. After selecting any channel or message chain the app acts exactly as you would hope allowing you to see what others have written as well as write your own messages.

The app has sparse settings at the moment only giving you the options to change what gives you a push notification, change your status from active to away or to sign out of your current team. While there is no button to bring up a list of your Slack emoticons if you know the longhand for them they will send and display correctly, includeing any custom emotes that have been made for your team. The one glaring omission from this beta is support for uploading photos from your phones camera roll, but again this is only a beta so it's understandable that some features are missing.

If you want to get Slack Beta for Windows Phone then you can follow this link to the Windows Phone Store.

Are you excited that there is a Windows Phone app for Slack? Are there any features that aren't there yet that I am missing? Are you surprised that Windows Phone even needs an app?

Andrew Stretch Headshot
| Senior Content Manager

Andrew has written Video Game and Entertainment news, reviews, and guides for 10+ years. As Senior Content Manager, he assists in creating and editing… More about Andrew