Imagine carrying a device in your pocket, one that you can use to make and take phone calls, but nothing more. It’s a not an ancient flip phone either, it’s sleek and attractive and about as large as a credit card. Why would you want such a thing? Most people don’t even make phone calls these days; phones are for texting, goggling, messaging…rarely for talking on. A week before writing this I would have waved off the existence of a product like the just-Kickstarted Light phone, but then I lost my actual phone and in doing so realized how much happier I am without a constant tether to the internet.
I’ve read two books since I lost my phone, life is great. But what if I’m running late and need to let my boss know? Suddenly the Light Phone makes sense. For personal or professional reason people expect to be able to get in touch with you. Having that security while taking some time off from social media and the like is something that seems to have appeal for a number of people, enough for the project to have surpassed it’s $ 200,00 Kickstarter goal in under a week.
Like the project’s backers, I’m sold on the concept, but the product, as described so far, is not without its drawbacks. First of all the phone is a prepaid phone that ships with its own SIM card and phone number. Details on exactly what carriers will support it are non-existent. The Light Phone works in tandem with your regular phone, meaning that if your existing phone is turned on and presumably left at home, it can forward calls made to your existing phone number. At the moment it is unclear if the Light Phone itself has any ability to store its own contact information, presumably it won’t since according to the makers it’s “designed to be used as little as possible.” Without the ability to store contacts, using the phone to make outgoing calls would require some old fashioned memorization skills or, an actual phone book (yikes.)
So, for a hundred dollars you get a call only phone that keeps a single charge for twenty days. A device less for staying connected that for offering some piece of mind while disconnecting. Does anyone else out there think it’s worth it? Oh, and it’s also useful as a flashlight.