
Amazon to raise price of Prime to $99

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Published: March 13, 2014 10:15 AM

In an e-mail sent out to current Prime Members today, Amazon announced what has been rumored for a while now. They will be raising their rates of their Prime Membership from $79 to $99.

Even as fuel and transportation costs have increased, the price of Prime has remained the same for nine years.
With the items that they sell that are eligible for the 2 day Prime shipping has increased 20-fold, the ever expanding Amazon Instant Video, and the 500,000 books you can borrow if you own a Kindle, this price increase is well worth it still.

Don't forget that there are still rumors out there that they are working on a free music streaming service, and a Prime TV set-top box. If these are introduced and are included in the new prime price, then it becomes a no-brainer for this service.

What are your thoughts of the price change? Leave them in the comments below.


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JR Moore is the Former Chief Editor at TechRaptor. When he's not living life, he's connected to an Xbox, a phone or tablet checking out the latest… More about JR